- M.choco 帕羅西汀(伴奏) 歌詞
- 劉大拿 KOZAY M.choco
- Maybe you never stay me away
Lately i thought thatI'll be ok Baby i justcan't live in without you 別打開天窗留我獨自對抗冷風 想你是偏方副作用是心會很痛 有你在邊上是我不斷錯亂的夢 熬夜不健康Emo的肩章 加糖的咖啡變得更苦了 我對著手機像個喋喋不休的主播 還記得我們分一對耳機聽反方向的鐘 你對我說了一個最最天馬行空的夢 你給我的留言到今天都不明白 你送我的禮物消聲在抽屜停擺 我學著像個浪子不斷放浪形骸 再也哭不出來笑只代表無奈 “沒什麼大不了的”不過幾場心碎 “你把我忘了嗎? ”這殘念堪稱完美 其他都沒所謂我只想有你陪 I can' t live without u Maybe you never stay me away Lately i thought thatI'll be ok Baby i justcan't live in without you Maybe you never stay me away Lately i thought thatI'll be ok Baby i justcan't live in without you I cant sleep every night used to還有現在 I feel lonely by myself 變得不想戀愛 我們的故事沒有了花絮 所以差距在不停的加劇 我害怕把你失去 所以當初才沒有答應 其實那天我喝大啦 差點鬆開你的手 是我沒長大嗎 愛卻說不出口 我把想說的全都裝進這張mixtape 我沒有小悔我只有mistake I don' t know why for lie 我對你的一次次的欺騙 mess of all my life 早過了最後一次期限 so kill my mind 這樣我就不用在掛慮 離開了你我沒辦法活下去 Maybe you never stay me away Lately i thought thatI' ll be ok Baby i justcan't live in without you Maybe you never stay me away Lately i thought thatI'll be ok Baby i justcan't live in without you Maybe you never stay me away Lately i thought thatI'll be ok Baby i justcan't live in without you