- 火西肆 enemy 歌詞
- 火西肆
- 編曲: Imagine dragon
突如其來的寂靜將我喚醒 I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows 我腦海不禁迴盪密切關注現況 For my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground 我苦尋覓為看再現那曾被講述的故事 Im searching to behold the stories that are told 當我背靠著世界轉身時便是笑顏 When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned 他們表面贊不絕口 Tell you youre the greatest 而在你轉身後又含沙射影 But once you turn they hate us 這難言的苦澀 Oh the misery 我就猶如全民公敵 Everybody wants to be my enemy 省去你所謂的憐憫吧 Spare the sympathy 我就猶如 Everybody wants to be 全民公敵 My enemy 你得有戒備之心 Look out for yourself 我的宿敵 My enemy 你得有戒備之心 Look out for yourself 但我已準備反擊 But Im ready 你面朝牆詛咒我坐觀我的落敗 Your words up on the wall as youre praying for my fall 穿堂而來的嘲諷譏笑夾雜著貶低我落井下石的惡名 And the laughter in the halls and the names that Ive been called 我聚精凝神靜候時機到來 I stack it in my mind and Im waiting for the time 到時候我將讓你見證麥克風怒吼出的最強音 When I show you what its like to be words spit in a mic 他們表面贊不絕口 Tell you youre the greatest 而在你轉身後又含沙射影 But once you turn they hate us 這難言的苦澀 Oh the misery 我就猶如全民公敵 Everybody wants to be my enemy 細嗅著憐憫的滋味 Smell the sympathy 我就猶如 Everybody wants to be 全民公敵 My enemy 你得有戒備之心 Look out for yourself 我的宿敵 My enemy 你得有戒備之心 Look out for yourself 就拭目以待吧 Look okay 滿懷期許望有人能為我虔誠祈福 Im hoping that somebody pray for me 我祈禱著能有人為我攜來希冀 Im praying that somebody hope for me 我祈禱著能有人為我攜來希冀 Im staying where nobody posed to be P-p-posted 難以把控自我情緒 Being a wreck of emotions 準備何時啟程告訴我便好 Ready to go whenever just let me know 面前漫漫長路踩上踏板縱身騰躍 The road is long so put the pedal into the floor 敵人正追踪我的足跡我精疲力竭 The enemys on my trail my energy unavailable 我嘲諷道再見咯 Imma tell em hasta luego 他們想複製我的步伐抵達巔峰 They wanna plot on my trot to the top 我曾殘損不堪突破刻板思維 Ive been outta shape thinkin out the box 我就猶如名宇航員將星際間漂游的隕石擊碎 Im an astronaut I blasted off the planet rock 釀成不可估量的後果既然我未曾擁有那就得看重 To cause catastrophe and it matters more because I had it not 我未曾料想能對反派造成如此大的影響 Had I thought about wreaking havoc on an opposition 他們認為我將坐以待斃但我將殺得他們措手不及準確的說 Kinda shockin they wanted static with precision Im automatic quarterback 我不由自主引領進攻絕不輕易撤退耐心收拾行囊我毫不慌亂做足充分準備 I aint talking sacking pack it pack it up iont panic batter batter up 誰是最驚絕的勝者不知道沒關係因為我們已扼住你命運的咽喉 Who the baddest it dont matter cause we at ya throat 我就猶如全民公敵 Everybody wants to be my enemy 省去你所謂的憐憫吧 Spare the sympathy 我就猶如 Everybody wants to be 全民公敵 My enemy 這難言的苦澀 Oh the misery 我就猶如全民公敵 Everybody wants to be my enemy 省去你所謂的憐憫吧 Spare the sympathy 我就猶如 Everybody wants to be 全民公敵 My enemy 他們讓我自求多福但我發誓我定不當聖賢之輩絕無可能 They say pray it away I swear Ill never be a saint no way 我的宿敵 My enemy 他們讓我自求多福但我發誓我定不當聖賢之輩 They say pray it away I swear Ill never be a saint 你得有戒備之心 Look out for yoursel