- boy pablo Yeah (Fantasizing) 歌詞
- boy pablo
- Yeah
Yeah They stopped talking 他們怎麼不講話了 Or did they? 有嗎 Yeah, they did 好像是的 And its obivous why Im a mess 我慌亂的陣腳顯而易見 They couldnt resist 他們無法抗拒 Im the one who starts 我是一切的始作俑者 Ill give you what you want 我將賦予你心之所向 Yeah, Ill do 這就是我 And you will let me go on and on 你肯定會讓我一往無前 Please let me walk around 我想迂迴一下 It starts on a kiss 從一個吻開始 Let everyone stare into my soul 每個人的目光都通向我內心 Fantasizing 神遊於 Its fascinating 迷人的幻想 How everyone needs to be like this 為何眾人沉浸於此 Yeah Yeah The craziest part bout all of this 一切的荒謬之處 Is that everyone thinks Im the crazy one 在於眾人視我為荒謬 Please let me walk around 我想漫步四方 Let everyone stare right into my soul 讓每個人直視我的靈魂 Fantasizing 沉浸在 Its fascinating 愉悅的想像 ]How everyone needs to be like this 為何眾人都如同這般 Like this 這樣一般 Yeah Yeah