- Tamar Braxton My Man 歌詞
- Tamar Braxton
- Oh you let me down
老娘失望至極 I was so confused 老娘困惑不已 Stood right by your side 你們相濡以沫 Through everything that you went through 彼此同甘共苦 Why is she around 她卻在這耀武揚威 Why are you so cruel 你竟會如此狼心狗肺 How could you just turn your back 你怎能那麼厚顏無恥 When I stood by you 任我大驚失色而棄之不顧 When you were broke I didn't leave you 你失憶時我沒有離你而去 Somehow through it all I believed in you 無論如何都對你深信不疑彼此如影相隨 No no no 不可置信 Not my man 這肆無忌憚的野狗絕不是我的男人 Cause he will never hurt me 因為他絕不會如此厚顏無恥 Let alone just desert me 恣意妄為忘恩負義 No no no 難以置信 Not my man 這狼心狗肺的髒東西 Word around town 鎮子里傳滿流言蜚語 Is that you live with her 你們肆無忌憚死皮賴臉 And you said she took your heart away oh baby 你說她魅惑了你的人面獸心真是偷了一手好腥 I told them that's a lie 我還告訴大家都是空穴來風只能幽了自己一默 Cause I don't want to hear no ******** stories about my man 老娘不想再聽到關你那些胡作非為恬不知恥的破事了 Can't stop the scraming and yelling 無法控制內心的騷動和怒吼 (Oh no no I'll pass) 老娘會夷平這些混亂不安 (You can't stop the scream of reality) 這雞飛狗跳的現實終須老娘吶喊 No I just can't believe that you're with her 你跟她任性妄為地胡扯廝混亮瞎老娘的狗眼 Is she the one you played me for 你為了她跟老娘玩乾坤大挪移遮了一手好天 Shoulda noticed it the day she walked in the door 早該識破你們的虛情假意 I just can' t believe she stole my man 膽敢在太歲頭上動土 Woo my man 狼心狗肺的髒東西 She walked right in the door and 那野雞恬不知恥登堂入室 Looked me in the face and took my man 趾高氣昂眉飛色舞 Never trust another woman bout the one you love 早該揭穿你們的謊話連篇 She ate dinner at my table even watched my kids 那野雞虛張聲勢耀武揚威 And shetook my man 膽敢在老虎頭上拔毛 ***** acting lke she was my friend 裝瘋賣傻虛情假意 She called me about her man but I didn't understand 在老娘面前裝腔作勢 She was talking about my man 滿嘴紛至沓來的謊言 Heifer 賤貨 My man my man my man 不要臉的東西 ( Not my man) 扶不起的爛泥
這就是我的人生嗎 Is this my life 像尖刀一樣刺痛我 It cuts me like a knife 我愛之人竟為了那個賤人棄我而去 To know the one I loved could leave me for a friend 看穿這扭曲現實的我早該無所畏懼 I'm not desperate but I want we can see it (去踏馬勒隔壁的) (Baby I ain't sorry) 這些年費盡心機苦心經營 All the years I put in this thing to be a win 到頭來物是人非為時已晚 But I know it's too late she took my man 我獨自黯然神傷 See I was just a fool didn't wanna see the truth 他們卻比翼齊飛 And she took my man 我的心在凜冽尖叫 And my heart screams out load