- Grace Jones This Is 歌詞
- Grace Jones
- This is my voice
這是我的聲音 My weapon of choice 我的選擇 This is life 這是生活 This is life 不一樣的生活 This is plate 杯杯碟碟 This is a cup 生活瑣事 This is a story I didn't make up 一個我不曾虛構的人生 This is a girl lost in the woods 迷失於現代文明的女孩 Some kind of wagon from some other 'hood 不知來自哪個時代的交通工具 This is a voice 這是一種呼喚 These are the hands 無數勤勞的雙手 This is technology 進步的現代文明 Mixed with the band 點綴著如此斑斕的色彩 Are you going into the light 準備好迎接朝陽了嗎 Are you free of fear today 能坦然面對一切未知嗎 When you lie down to sleep do you kind of float away 疲憊倒下時是否有所懈怠 This is life 這就是生活 This is life 說明你還活著 Most of my crimes are of optimism 盲目樂觀就會犯錯 40 thousand volts of recognition 事實勝於雄辯 They tried to strip me of dignity 我的尊嚴不容踐踏 But I still have tenacity 因為我絕不妥協 These are the words I didn't invent 這些話不是我杜撰的 Only an attempt to say what I meant 只是嘗試給出我的答案 This is the paper 紙上落字 This is the pen 筆下為戰 This is my weapon 這是我的方式 A means to an end 也是最終手段 Are you going into the desert 奔向一望無際的未知吧 You're out of control of your fate 擺脫命運的束縛 There are no warriors without a war 戰爭造就真正的勇士 So get ahead before it's too late 趁時光未老抓緊行動 This is life (ya'll) 熱愛生活吧 Lay down your spear 生活很美卸下防備 Let go your fear 面對未知無所畏懼 Far becomes near 踏平坎坷勇往直前 Oh Lord 喔上帝 This is life (hey!) 這就是人生 This is the tree 一棵智慧古樹 The Buddha slept under 只因佛陀曾棲居於此 These are the clouds 即使頭頂陰雲籠罩 This is our thunder 但我們依舊期待電閃雷鳴般的人生 This is what makes me look up and wonder 讓我守望和執著的 Into the eye of the wind 是萬眾矚目下 Through the rain 穿過狂風暴雨 On to the plain 走向坦途 This is what I'm focused on 這是我一直追逐的 This is my head on straight 是我最單純的想法 This is the harness 我為此歷盡艱辛 This is the bait 我已無法自拔 This is me 這就是我 I'm flying again 不鳴則已一鳴驚人 This is a lawyer 西裝革履的律師 Professional liar 花言巧語的騙子 There, Taking 外表多麼迷人的樣子 Igniting the fire 引爆著世人的眼球 This is the key 用盡一切努力 This is the door 達到終點 Imagine the view from the basement floor 你希望看到的是一番淒涼慘淡的光景嗎 (Hey!) 嘿~ Now you're going into the desert 現在你就奔向一切未知吧 You're out of control of your fate 擺脫命運的控制 Are you a slave in a chain of command 難道要聽任命運的擺佈嗎 Serving up another man's head 難道要對他人言聽計從嗎 This is life 為了不一樣的人生 Lay down your spear 卸下防備 Let go your fear 無所畏懼 Far becomes near 奮勇向前 Look out 面朝大海春暖花開 This is life 為了活得精彩 Are you going into the light 準備好迎接朝陽吧 Are you freeing your fear today 坦然面對一切未知 When you lie down to sleep 當你疲憊倒下時 Do you kind of float away 不要鬆懈 This is depression 你會萎靡不振 It comes when you're blocking 因為你會歷徑坎坷 This is expression 你會笑到最後 It comes when your rocking 因為你終會排除萬難 This is life 一切都會不一樣 This is (ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!) 就是這樣 This is (ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!) 這就是我的人生 This is (ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!) 這就是我的答案 This is (ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!) 這就是我的方式 This is (ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!) 這也是你的人生 This is (ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!) 與眾不同的人生 When you lie down tosleep 當你疲憊不堪時 Do you kind of float away 你還會半途而廢嗎 (This is a plate, this is a cup, this is a story, this is a story I didn't make up) 生活瑣事不曾虛構 When you lie down to sleep 當竭盡全力 Do you kind of float away 你還能前功盡棄嗎 (This is a plate, this is a cup, this is a story I didn't make up) 我的人生光芒萬丈 This is the world still healing 萬物復甦的世界 This is man that's feeling 求知若渴的世人 This is the world still turning 循環往復的世事 This is the rage still burning 不滅的是熱情 This is the man not learning 你不能熟視無睹 This is life 這就是不一樣的人生