- 楊曉川 Bayarea Pre-Style 歌詞
- 楊曉川
- Rap King 的title 我從來都沒有在乎
就算不當你的idol 我有我自己態度 那Hip Hop 像我的baby我一定會用心愛護 Read 著我的bible就讓上帝為我帶路 每當上到這個舞台都會感到洶湧澎湃 所有的煩惱困難我都能夠拋在門外 能夠即興Freestyle是楊曉川的能耐 就連老奶奶都說曉川你人見人愛 面對最難的障礙,保持最佳的狀態 用盡全心去灌溉,一定造福子孫萬代 他們說曉川你這種的rapper非常少見 這麼多年的經歷是上帝對我的考驗 我,沒那麼討厭 我,沒那麼早戀 我,沒那麼老練 我,不愛吃炒麵 我更愛吃炒飯,我讓你好看。 你唱的好爛,你沒吃飽飯。 It goes One for the money Two for the show Three for the emcees been keeping it real Four for the emcees been rapping from their souls Five for my people from the coast to coast It goes One for the money Two for the show Three for the emcees been keeping it real Four for the emcees been rapping from their souls Five for my people from the coast to coast 我要讓周董和狗董事都feeling my flow 我要讓陶喆和曹格都digging my show. 我要讓汪涵和光良都calling me dope . 因為Hip Hop Music 永遠coming from my soul. 你說我年齡的確比你大但我比你跟有經驗。 我說唱就像保衛祖國的軍艦。 我這次參加比賽是為兒時的心願。 希望真的 HipHop 能讓更多的人聽見! 我跟你講來講去你也不能明白。 Hip Hop 跟我就像梁山伯與祝英台 我從來都不需要解釋我們的清白。 我在這裡唱出我對他的情懷。 我沒有太多名牌,我沒有太多平台。 我成功是應該你們成功是意外。 我在這裡唱出了所有Rapper 的氣派。 Freestyle King 永遠都不會被替代 It goes One for the money Two for the show Three for the emcees been keeping it real Four for the emcees been rapping from their souls Five for my people from the coast to coast It goes One for the money Two for the show Three for the emcees been keeping it real Four for the emcees been rapping from their souls Five for my people from the coast to coast 你們唱的全部都是名和利 而我唱的全部都是情和義 我的音樂穿越整個銀河系 為什麼要寫首歌來迎合你 你們唱的全部都是名和利 而我唱的全部都是情和義 我的音樂穿越整個銀河系 為什麼要寫首歌來迎合你 你出賣了Hip Hop 的精神出賣了Hip Hop 的靈魂忘記了Hip Hop 的Music本來就是來自社會最底層。 你現在說的除了金錢毒品還有女人。 I got better things to do 我沒有空理你們 我的音樂一定會被政府提倡 而你的音樂注定要被觀眾們遺忘 我現在跟你講的都是肺腑之言 我勸你早點改邪歸正在你被捕之前! It goes One for the money Two for the show Three for the emcees been keeping it real Four for the emcees been rapping from their souls Five for my people from the coast to coast It goes One for the money Two for the show Three for the emcees been keeping it real Four for the emcees been rapping from their souls Five for my people from the coast to coast