- Credit I'm probably dead inside 歌詞
- Credit
- 編曲:John Savage
混音:kwanchen (電影採樣) The world has just become...so inhuman(這個世界變的...太沒有人性了 I cant talk to them. I fight them. I wanna destroy them even. (我不能跟他們交流. 我跟他們爭執. 我甚至還想摧毀他們.) Im,Im so fxxking lonely...(我...我真的好孤獨..) Im probably dead inside. Turn off the light I try to kill myself at night Plz Dont tell me Ill be Fine The life is full of lies Pull this fxxking trigger Ill count it one to five. I can feel the pain from my dead inside I keep smelling the stink form my dead inside I feel the hopes are keep Disappearing In my sight Theres no light. Theres nothing much In my life 總是拼盡全力可我什麼都做不好 沒渴望你能理解因為連我自己都受不了 人心的寒冷無法控制他就快要把我凍死 你肯定不願意跟我這種人同生或共死 最後一絲陽光在三年前七月逝去 期待自己的抑鬱症終會在三千零一夜治愈 希望你能聽到我說這首歌我聽到過 希望你別像我一樣最後鎖上了心跳鎖 每天傍晚醒來的總是異常果敢 也許是慶幸自己沒有成功的死在昨晚 睡覺總不嫌晚用靈感把空虛填滿 強撐自己活下去的理由竟會如此婉轉 Exactly babe that is what they called reality I was begging everyday that somebody could talk to me Also begged to Jesus that maybe he could wait for me Im sick of it cuz No one was fxxking answer me Im afraid of death . but that was the only way. Im OK. For dat. If that will be my only fate 魂被純粹的沮喪強行給帶走 無謂的人情味我關上房門往外走 憤怒的魔鬼河邊升起了熊熊的熾焰 我想問問他到底錯的是我還是這個世界 雙膝落地向內心的純潔和善良致歉 已成過去任由回憶夢境對現實肆虐 我再也不想看到太陽升起 風雨交加不想看到希望再次被我撐起 任由這恐懼死亡和仇恨 猶如這刀刃一般的劃破我瘡痍不堪的身體 面對你男性朋友我越來越沒禮貌 因為我嫉妒你慵懶地躺在他懷裡笑 都不要都無效所有關於你都除掉 拜託給苟延殘喘的我一個機會胡鬧 用括弧號告訴你們我的心已死 死掉的花也不用再匆忙地換新瓶子 狗狗也取了新名字公園也建了新亭子 去年買的鬧鐘也因為沒電已經停止 I think i will be dead when I turn to twenty five I aint got no time to say goodbye Cuz Im dead inside Cuz Im dead inside Im probably dead inside Turn off the light I try to kill myself at night Plz Dont tell me Ill be Fine The life is full of lies Pull this fxxking trigger Ill count it one to five. I can feel the pain from my dead inside I keep smelling the stink form my dead inside I feel the hopes are keep Disappearing In my sight Theres no light. Theres nothing much In my life Im probably dead inside