- Callum Beattie We Are Stars 歌詞
- Callum Beattie
我曾為你摘星星 Im the one who stole the star for you 我曾傻傻的失去了一切 And Im the fool who lost it all 而今為你再次失去所有 And I lose it all again 我以為你像我愛你一樣愛我 Ill like to think that youre the same as me 然而現實殘酷 But something tells me that youre not 失去我你無關痛癢 Quite lost without me 我應該更堅強點的 I shouldve been a little bit stronger 我應該更努力點的 I shouldve tried a little bit harder 只需稍加思索便能及早發現這一切 Maybe just a tiny bit wiser Wo oh oh oh Wo oh oh oh 只因我們皆是天上繁星 Cause we are stars 各自閃著星光 We are light 我們在夜空中熠熠生輝 We are golden in the night 是無垠宇宙中的一顆小行星 We are planets in the sky 等待著你去發現 Waiting to appear 我們皆是天上繁星 And we are stars 卻湮滅在塵埃之中 Wo oh but dust 似草木蕭疏 Green to brown 似赤金轉黯 And gold to rust 就連這月華 Just the moon breaking up 都淹沒在你的大氣層裡 In your atmosphere 而你卻偷走了我的太陽 And youre the one who stole the sun from me 而你是那個跌倒的傻瓜 And youre the fool who took the fall 你還將之怪罪於我 And you blame it on me 我應該更堅強點的 I shouldve been a little bit stronger 我應該更努力點的 I shouldve tried a little bit harder 只需稍加思索便能及早發現這一切 Maybe just a tiny bit wiser Wo oh oh oh Wo oh oh oh 只因我們皆是天上繁星 Cause we are stars 各自閃著星光 We are light 我們在夜空中熠熠生輝 We are golden in the night 是無垠宇宙中的一顆小行星 We are planets in the sky 等待著你去發現 Waiting to appear 我們皆是天上繁星 And we are stars 卻湮滅在塵埃之中 Wo oh but dust 似草木蕭疏 Green to brown 似赤金轉黯 And gold to rust 就連這月華 Just the moon breaking up 都淹沒在你的大氣層裡 In your atmosphere 淹沒在你的大氣層裡 In your atmosphere 淹沒在你的大氣層裡 In your atmosphere 淹沒在你的大氣層裡 In your atmosphere Hey Hey Hey Hey 我們皆是天上繁星 And we are stars 卻湮滅在塵埃之中 Wo oh but dust 擾擾生還死 Green to brown 紛紛榮又枯 And gold to rust 就連這月華 Just the moon breaking up 都淹沒在你的大氣層裡 In your atmosphere 我曾為你摘星星,但那已是過眼雲煙 Im the one who stole the stars for you