- 三無MarBlue Abyssos 歌詞
- 三無MarBlue
- Abyssos【黑希同人原創曲】
作曲:KBShinya 作詞:黑金雨 編曲:1AN孫毅然 曲繪:Meadow 演唱:三無Marblue 混音:三無Marblue 母帶:祖婭納惜 I was piled with countless nightmares 層層堆疊於我的無盡夢魘 As an abyss that the world belied 構築成被世界掩飾的深淵 Lock myself deep in stillness and quiet 死寂之中將自我深鎖 In a room denying entry with no light 鎖在禁止入內的無光房間 Touch fallen ashes and have a taste of your felt delight 觸著墜落的餘燼,仍能淺嚐你有過的歡悅 Like a buried monster sniffs a rose sent by a tide 像沉埋的凶獸細嗅海潮漂來的玫瑰 Whenever you need me, in me you could confide 向我訴說吧,無論何時,只要你需要我 I'll always be well armoured and bide my time 時刻戰備在身,等待你的召喚 Unwind! Ditch all the futile ties When the star casts its tiny lights to my night 解離!當那細小的星光投射進我的夜晚 拋開一切無用的束縛 Be fiery lava raging around and breaking silence Indulge myself in the burning sky 打破靜默,化身熔漿肆虐 沉迷於天際景色,當它被火焰侵染 (hum……hmmm ) Step into a room with no light 步入這房間,黑暗無光 Where the solitude is amplified 孤獨被放大,肆意生長 Still try to clean and wipe your nightmares 即使黑暗模糊了我的視線 Even when the gloom has blurred my sight 仍盡力拭去你的夢魘 Feel my heartbeats before your minds confined by desires 趁意識被慾望困陷之前,感受我的心跳吧 Even a dim glow still pulsates in the chaotic night 在這混沌的夜裡仍有微光執著輕顫 Whenever you need me, in me you could confide 向我訴說吧,無論何時,只要你需要我 I keep the faith that on you I could rely 我始終相信著,你能令我信賴 Detach! Release the hidden might 掙脫!釋放潛藏的力量 Driven by cravings for your starry eyes 渴求著你明亮的眸光,以此驅動的力量 Be fiery lava raging around and breaking silence 打破靜默,化身熔漿肆虐 And by your embrace, I'm mollified 在你的懷中又平復如常 Unwind! Ditch all the futile ties When the star bursts into firm lights 解離!當那顆星驟然迸發光芒 拋開一切無用的束縛 Be fiery lava raging around and breaking silence Return to dark when the end is nigh 打破靜默,化身熔漿肆虐 當結局將近,再重歸黑暗