- The Internet Bravo 歌詞
- The Internet
- My love I thought you knew
親愛的我以為你很清楚 This karma thing don't pick and choose 緣分該來的總會來 So every time that you perform 所以每當你精心表演時 I learn just a little more 我總會多學習一點東西 What a waste babe what a shame 真是浪費啊寶貝真可惜 You were playing games 天資如你卻總搗鼓這些把戲 Words come out your mouth 你開始張嘴說話 Look around what a mess you made 瞧瞧周圍的人因你而亂成一鍋粥 Watching from the crowd it's astounding 但從人群放眼觀看,仍不免驚嘆 You're on your way 你仍在表演中 Thought that you had changed 還以為你已經被換走了 I found out it's just a role you play 才發現那不過是你詮釋的一個角色 Well bravo baby 為你喝彩啊寶貝 Bravo baby oh 真是乾得漂亮呢 My love let's get this straight 親愛的讓我們直奔主題 This ain't your show this ain't your stage 這不是你的秀場與舞台 So no more standing ovations brought 所以不會再有起立鼓掌 Well played baby 好一出表演寶貝 Save it for the main stage baby 把它留到真正屬於你的舞台吧 Go back to where you came from came from 從哪來回到哪去吧 Words come out your mouth 你開始張嘴說話 Look around what a mess you made 瞧瞧周圍因你而亂成一鍋粥 Watching from the crowd it's astounding 從人群放眼觀看,不免驚嘆 You're on your way 你仍在表演中 Thought that you had changed 還以為你已經被換走了 I found out it's just a role you play 才發現那不過是你詮釋的一個角色 Play 角色罷了 Well bravo baby 為你喝彩啊寶貝 Bravo baby yeah 幹得漂亮啊寶貝 Yeah Yeah Yeah Ooh yeah Ooh yeah I'm saying 我吟說著 Ooh yeah Ooh yeah Yeah Ooh yeah Ooh yeah Damn 該死 Ooh yeah Ooh My my my my my Yeah Yeah yeah