- James Blake Take A Fall For Me 歌詞
- James Blake
- can't marry You her - you can't marry her yet
孩子,你會再次讓我遭殃的 Son, you'll drown me twice 七個EOE-成為生命不止的呼吸
在一個人身體內 seven The EOE - be the breath of life 通過這份愛加入進來 inside a human being 沒有什麼能阻礙我們 Joined though this love, 血液比泥漿更加粘稠 nothing could come between 將酒加入長生不老藥中 Blood is thicker than mud, 將方塊舞變為充滿激情的擁抱 liquor the elixir of love 如同魷魚收縮一般緊密相擁 Turn a square dance into a passion hug 也同被嬰兒手指觸碰到的那般溫柔 Tight as the grip of the squid 一百萬英鎊也抵不上她的微笑 Gentle as the finger touch of a newborn kid 別讓我的愛失望,繼續嘗試 I wouldn't trade her smile for a million quid 通過葡萄藤,我聽到:偉大的愛情, Don't let my love fall, keep building it 是需要時間的。 I heard through the grape vine that great love, 性塑造了肉體,真相塑造了心靈 it takes time 燭光晚餐與鮮魚 *** shapes the body, truth shapes the mind 蘸著醋的薯片 Candlelight dinners and fish 伴著一大杯醇厚的葡萄酒 and chips with vinegar 或是類似的什麼東西 With a glass of cold stout or wine 其中的Salam or something similar 開闢水道穿過意大利半島 Salam in this, 她強烈的費洛蒙 channeled through the Italian peninsula 古龍水更是增強了她的惡臭味道 Her strong pheromones 但她仍渴望浪漫 and cologne enhance the stench of her 揮霍掉了這份愛,進入她 But she aksed for romance, 別讓我失望了,永遠要記住我們 spent this love, enter her 別擲骰子 Don't let me fall, always remember us 別讓他們丟出那些大米 Don't roll the dice, 別把我的靈魂丟給吵鬧的鬼魂 don't let them throw the rice 他的心就同被冰浸透一般冰涼 Don't throw my soul over to the poltergeist 你的愛對我的一擊就同人生殘酷的打擊一般 His heart was cold like it was soaked in ice 在我激情的熱度下融化了-磁鐵般的相互吸引 A stroke of your love is like a stroke of life 它引起一個強烈的反應
我需要你就同我需要滿足感一樣急切...... Melt in the heat of my passion - magnetic attraction 我需要你就同我需要滿足感一樣急切...... It cause a strong reaction 什麼事會發生在我身上, I need you like I need satisfaction... 如果我不能向你展示我的愛?
什麼事會發生在我身上呢? I need you like I need satisfaction... 什麼事會發生在我身上呢?
如果我不能向你展示我的愛 What will become of me? 你不能娶她 If I can't show my love to thee? 什麼事會發生在我身上呢? What will become of me? 通過葡萄藤,我聽到:偉大的愛情,
是需要時間的。 What will become of me? 性塑造了肉體,真相塑造了心靈 If I can't show my love to thee? 燭光晚餐, You can't marry her 鮮魚和蘸著醋的薯片
伴著一大杯醇厚的葡萄酒 will become What of me? 或是類似的什麼東西
其中的Salam I heard through the grape vine that great love, 開闢水道穿過意大利半島 it takes time 她強烈的費洛蒙 *** shapes the body, truth shapes the mind 古龍水更是增強了她的惡臭味道 Candlelight dinner, 但她渴望浪漫 fish and chips with the vinegar 我已進入她內心深處了 With a glass of cold stout or wine 別讓她失望,永遠記住我們 or something similar 別嫁給他...... Salam in this, 別,別,別嫁給他 channeled through the Italian peninsula 別嫁給他,別帶他進入欲生欲死的天堂 Her strong pheromones, 別讓他們擲骰子 her cologne enhance the of herstench 別讓他們丟出那大米 But she aksed for romance, 別把我的靈魂變成吵鬧的鬼魂 I'm deep into her 他的心變得像被冰浸透一般冰涼 Don't let her fall, always remember us 在我激情的熱度下融化了-磁鐵般的相互吸引 Don' marry him... 它引起一個強烈的反應 No, no, no, no, no - don't marry him 我需要你就同我需要滿足感一樣急切.... .. Don' marry him, don't carry him to paradise 我需要你就同我需要滿足感一樣急切...... Don't throw let them dice, 別拋下我 don't let them throw the rice 什麼事會發生在我身上, Don't turn my soul deep into the poltergeist 如果我不能向你展示我的愛?
我會徹底消失 His heart turns cold like it was soaked in ice 你會徹底忘記我
不留一點曾經存在過的痕跡 Melt inside the heat of my passion - magnetic attraction It cause a strong reaction I need you like I need satisfaction...
I need you like I need satisfaction... Don' t turn away from me What will become of me? If I can't show my love to thee, there'll be none of me
leave And you with none of me
Not even one of me...