- Just another boy
Just another boy Just another boy Just another boy I'm just another boy boy boy I'm Just another boy (boy boy) Just another boy Just another boy Just another boy Just another boy I'm just another boy boy boy I'm Just another boy (boy boy) 밤공기좋고네온사인 조명좋고 晚上的空氣真不錯街頭燈光也不錯 날위한거리따분한 只為我的街頭 연인들과는다르게 不同於無聊的情侶 가식적인고민없고 沒有虛偽的苦惱 영화는혼자봐야내용을알지않겠어 電影要一個人看才能知道內容 커플링티살돈차라리기부하겠어 買情侶戒和戒指的錢還不如捐給別人 이밤분위기는과열 今晚的氣氛過熱 커플들에게는나는악역 對情侶我是十足的惡棍 But I'm ok 쓸데없게지갑에돈 은쌓여oh But I'm OK 錢包裡就只剩下錢oh 이번크리스마스는케빈과함께 今年的聖誕節就跟Kevin一起 아님아무나연락해나한테남자는빼고 要么就聯絡我吧誰都可以除了男人 Don't you worry 내신경꺼 Don't you worry 別擔心我 어설픈위로는더도움이안돼 不自然的安慰反而會幫倒忙 Don't worry 내버려둬 Don't worry 不要管我 난혼자가편해I'm ok 我一個人更舒心I'm OK 그대여 도대체왜요 問問你到底為什麼 난안되나요또혼자네요 我就不行呢我又是一個人啊 근데거기그대여도대체왜요 可是那邊的你到底是為什麼 혼자인가요나처럼 是一個人呢像我一樣 Clap clap clap your hands 너 Clap Clap Clap your hands 你 이밤이외롭다면 今晚如果寂寞了 내내내게붙어 就來我身邊吧 다같이손을위로 (都把手舉起來) Clap clap clap your hands 너 Clap Clap Clap your hands 你 찬바람불어올때 吹冷風的時候 내내내게붙어 就來我身邊吧 다같이손을위로 (都把手舉起來) 난외로움보다박자랑 比起孤單 리듬을더잘타고있어 我更擅長玩節奏和節拍 oh yeDynamic하게쌔끈해밤하늘색깔보다짙어 Oh Ye充滿活力而且精煉的我們比夜空的顏色還要深沉 일산구로홍대어딜가든난상관없어 一山九老弘大去哪裡都無所謂 솔로여서시루떡Boyz with me with me 因為是單身蒸糕Boyz (with me with me) 배송이완료된옷 配送完美的衣服 헤어스타일은만족했고 髮型也很滿意 완벽한날씨와time 完美的天氣和Time 나혼자기분so fine 就我一個人so fine 밤의fashionistar 완전돋보이는남자 今晚的Fashionistar 非常顯眼的男人 혼자라서이거리에서돋보이는건가 因為是一個人所以在街頭更加顯眼嗎 Don't you worry 내신경꺼 Don't you worry 別擔心我 어설픈위로는 不自然的安慰 더도움이안돼 反而會幫倒忙 Don't worry 내버려둬 Don't worry不要管我 난혼자가편해I'm ok 我一個人更舒心I'm OK 그대여도대체왜요 問問你到底為什麼 난안되나요또혼자네요 我就不行呢我又是一個人啊 근데거기그대여도대체왜요 可是那邊的你到底是為什麼 혼자인가요나처럼 是一個人呢像我一樣 Clap clap clap your hands 너 Clap Clap Clap your hands 你 이밤이외롭다면 今晚如果寂寞了 내내내게붙어 就來我身邊吧 다같이손 을위로 (都把手舉起來) Clap clap clap your hands 너 Clap Clap Clap your hands 你 찬바람불어올때는 吹冷風的時候 내내내게붙어 就來我身邊吧 다같이손을위로 (都把手舉起來) 여긴어디난누구 這裡是哪裡我又是誰 어딜봐도연인들의 到處都是戀人們 닭살돋는애정행각뿐 令人作嘔的流竄戀愛 I don't care nah I care I don't care nah I care 짝사랑도좋은데 單相思也不錯 난그저사람이필요할뿐 我只是需要一個人陪而已 Just another boy just another boy Just another boy just another boy I'm just another boy boy boy I'm just another boy boy boy Just another boy just another boy Just another boy just another boy I'm just another boy boy boy I' m just another boy boy boy Just another boy Just another boy Just another boy Just another boy I'm just another boy boy boy I'm just another boy boy boy Just another boy Just another boy Just another boy Just another boy I'm just another boy boy boy I'm just another boy boy boy Clap clap clap your hands 너 Clap Clap Clap your hands 你 이밤이외롭다면 今晚如果寂寞了 내내내게붙어 就來我身邊吧 다같이 손을위로 (都把手舉起來) Clap clap clap your hands 너 Clap Clap Clap your hands 你 찬바람 불어올 때 吹冷風的時候 내 내 내게 붙어 就來我身邊吧 다 같이 손을 위로 (都把手舉起來)