- Nujabes-Brown Tea on My Sword(林如韻LYVET_okailiNatsu. remix) 歌詞 Natsu. L1VET.. 林如韻
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- 林如韻 Nujabes-Brown Tea on My Sword(林如韻LYVET_okailiNatsu. remix) 歌詞
- Natsu. L1VET.. 林如韻
- Its funny how the music put times in perspective
音符同回憶流淌在腦海裡妙不可言 Add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it 為你的生活配上一曲完美契合的配樂 Whenever you are feeling blue keep walking and we can get far 不論何時感到悲傷鍥而不捨我們總能攜手走到終點 Wherever you are 不論你身處何方 Its funny how the music put times in perspective 音符同回憶流淌在腦海裡妙不可言 Add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it 為你的生活配上一曲完美契合的配樂 Whenever you are feeling blue keep walking and we can get far 不論何時感到悲傷鍥而不捨我們總能攜手走到終點 Wherever you are 不論你身處何方 Like a movie that you cant predict 像一部你猜不中結局的電影 Like a book that you cant resist 像一本令你欲罷不能的好書 I sing along a song thats oh so sensual 獨唱一支歌空氣逐漸變得濕熱了 Bring along a sip to make it all so ***ual 輕抿一口酒氣氛逐漸變得曖昧了 Verbally that is making love to the music means vibing to the beat at night 嘴上總說對音樂愛的深沉其實不過是在夜晚感受這節拍 With the whole city fast asleep out cold 在整個城市都在陰冷中沉睡之時 True words seem to rise to the lips take hold 緊握嘴邊的至臻之言 Of a poet in me most powerfully 我內心便住下了一個強有力的詩人 I feel free when the world doesnt owe it to me 雖說對世界無牽無掛時才能獲得真正的自由 Its so hard to find a gig that lives up to the billing 但找到一份能成全詩與遠方的工作從來不是一件簡單的事 Trying to find a reason to work god willing 神明保佑我找到一個堅持努力工作的動力 I admit my thinking is wishful 我承認我總是過度理想化 Like a star upon a child gazing up to the ceiling 像個以為自己能徒手摘星辰的孩子 How far do we have to stretch the truth 我們還要多久才能接受這不堪的真相 To fit the lifestyles borrowed and overdue 我們的生活裡到處都充斥著消費主義的陷阱 We can take it all back to theregister 我們可以在心底將這些過往一筆勾銷 And start all over from the canister 從零開始從心開始 Lets break it all down into pieces of bright 將一切虛無都化作天際處的流光溢彩吧 Moments that pass by like a meteorite 過往歷歷在目像流星一樣美好卻又轉瞬及時 Throw on your favorite reel thats good to go 將一切美好裝進行囊,這是個很好的開始 On the analog player watch the people glow 靜看人潮湧動不以物喜 Sit back to the breeze let the memories flow 靜坐任回憶洶湧不以己悲 Comedy tragedy all the highs and lows 悲悲喜喜潮漲潮落 Its funny how the music put times in perspective 音符同回憶流淌在腦海裡妙不可言 Add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it 為你的生活配上一曲完美契合的配樂 Whenever you are feeling blue keep walking and we can get far 不論何時感到悲傷鍥而不捨我們總能攜手走到終點 Wherever you are 不論你身處何方 Its funny how the music put times in perspective 音符同回憶流淌在腦海裡妙不可言 Add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it 為你的生活配上一曲完美契合的配樂 Whenever you are feeling blue keep walking and we can get far 不論何時感到悲傷鍥而不捨我們總能攜手走到終點 Wherever you are 不論你身處何方 Like your moves that I cant predict 像一部我猜不中結局的電影 Like your look that I cant resist 像一本你那令我欲罷不能的眼神 The ting-a-ling feeling was oh so mutual 一件鍾情的感覺著實令人不解卻又樂於沉溺其中 The lingering appeal was so unusual 這奇妙的吸引力著實不同凡響 Herbally what is medicine to a lone soul can become poison to some 於一個極度孤獨的靈魂靈丹有時都會成為毒藥 With the whole body fast asleep out cold 在全身都在陰冷中沉睡之時 True vision seem to come to the eye take hold 緊抓眼邊的至臻之景 Of a prophet in me most visibly 我內心便住下了一個視野廣闊的預言家 I see clear when the world doesnt show it to me 雖說對世界無欲無求時才能理解真正的真理 Its so hard to make sense in a cycle of billing 但理性看待眼前的苟且從來不是一件簡單的事 Trying to find a reason to quit and make a killing 請賜予我一個拋下一切追尋烏托邦的藉口吧 I admit our dealing is painful 我知道我們正面臨著磐石巨山 Like a star upon a child staring down from the ceiling 像個伸手摘星星卻從梯子上跌落的孩子 How far do we have to stretch the picture 我們還要多久才能得到這可怖的真理 Before pixelating the human texture 在人類冰冷自私的本性被掩蓋之前 We can take it all back to the register 我們可以在心底將這些過往一筆勾銷 And start all over from the canister 從零開始從心開始 Lets save it all up for an ultimate prize 在結局到臨之前放手一搏吧 Homecoming gathering with a big surprise 家的溫暖和驚喜就在前路 Throw on your favorite record thats good to go 將一切美好裝進行囊,這是個很好的開始 On the analog table and its hooked to blow 靜看人潮湧動不以物喜 Sit back with ease and hear the emcee flow 靜坐任回憶洶湧不以己悲 Hi hat kick drum all the highs and lows 我看見我們的未來了一片光明 Its funny how the music put times in perspective 音符同回憶流淌在腦海裡妙不可言 Add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it 為你的生活配上一曲完美契合的配樂 Whenever you are feeling blue keep walking and we can get far 不論何時感到悲傷鍥而不捨我們總能攜手走到終點 Wherever you are 不論你身處何方 Its funny how the music put times in perspective 音符同回憶流淌在腦海裡妙不可言 Add a soundtrack to your life and perfect it 為你的生活配上一曲完美契合的配樂 Whenever you are feeling blue keep walking and we can get far 不論何時感到悲傷鍥而不捨我們總能攜手走到終點 Wherever you are 不論你身處何方 Okay we can take it all back to the register 我們可以在心底將這些過往一筆勾銷 And start all over from the canister 從零開始從心開始 Lets break it all down into pieces of bright 將一切虛無都化作天際處的流光溢彩吧 Moments that pass by like a meteorite 過往歷歷在目像流星一樣美好卻又轉瞬及時 Throw on your favorite jacket and youre good to roll 穿上你最愛的夾克衫吧你可以去盡情享樂了 On the analog trail and you look the role 驀然回首斯人依舊在那燈火闌珊處 Just stroll through the trees and let your miseries go 在樹蔭下漫步吧讓憂慮通通溜走 Sunshine hurricane all the highs and lows 陰陰晴晴潮漲潮落 We can take it all back to the register 我們可以在心底將這些過往一筆勾銷 And start all over from the canister 從零開始從心開始 Lets break it all down into pieces of bright 將一切虛無都化作天際處的流光溢彩吧 Moments that pass by like a meteorite 過往歷歷在目像流星一樣美好卻又轉瞬及時