- Kanye West Can't Tell Me Nothing 歌詞
- Kanye West
- laaa laa la la wait til I get my money right
我夢到我買通了去天堂的路 I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven. 但我醒來卻用這筆錢買了條大金鍊子 When I woke, I spent that on a necklace. 我告訴上帝我馬上就回來 I told God Id be back in a second, 可是兄弟啊,天下沒有後悔藥的 Man, Its so hard not to act reckless. 欲戴王冠,必承其重 To whom much is given, much is tested. 剛收到風聲,人已經進局子了 Get arrested, guess until he get the message. 即使前呼後擁,也心有餘悸 I feel the pressure, under more scrutiny, 無所適從,裝瘋賣傻? And what I do? Act more stupidly. 買更多的珠寶、LV,與我娘失聯 Bought more jewelery, more Louis V, my momma couldnt get through to me. 因為這場鬧劇,人們都針對我 The drama, people suing me, 我在節目上高談闊論 Im on T.V. talking like its just you and me. 暢所欲言 Im just saying how I feel man, 我沒有出生在中產階級家庭,我也沒去Hillman大學 I aint one of the Cosbys, I aint go to hill , man. 我鼓鼓的錢包改變可人們對我的看法 I guess the money shouldve changed him, 但我敬姜猶績 I guess I shouldve forgot where I came from. 嚯
等我賺夠了屬於我的錢 (hook) 你就不能裝作什麼都沒發生了 laaa laa la la wait til I get my money right. 抱歉,你剛說什麼鬼? laaa laa la la then you cant tell me nothing, right. 你沒資格對我說教了
你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋 Excuse me. Is you saying something? 我知道耶穌為世人而死 Uh, uh, you cant tell me nothing. 我卻不知是誰有權發起戰爭 Let up the suicide doors. 我身正不怕影子歪 This is my life homey, you decide yours. 人常言“三十年河東,三十年河西” I know that Jesus died for us. 現在時來運轉了 But I couldnt tell you who decide wars. 開課兩小時了,“我已經遲到了” So I parallel double parked that mother f***er sideways. 你知道的我早畢業了 Old folks talking bout, 'Back in my day.' 你可以克服任何困難,就像魔術師約翰遜打敗了艾滋病 But homey this is my day. 言多必失 Class started two hours ago, 'Oh, am I late?' 還是他們太敏感 Plus I already graduated 千萬別讓自己被批評的啞口無言 And you can live through anything if Magic made it. 只好用抱歉來給你的話做結尾 They say I talk with so much emphasis, 讓大家知道你就是一無是處 OOOO They so Sen-Sa -Tive. 來啊,敢作敢當啊 Dont ever fix your lips like collagen 等我賺夠了屬於我的錢 To Say something Where you gon end up apologizing. 你們就再也不能對我講那些大道理了 Let me know if its a problem man, 抱歉,你剛有在說話嗎? Aight man, holla then. 你沒資格對我說教了 laaa laa la la wait til I get my money right. 讓香檳噴湧而出吧,讓我賺我該賺的錢吧 laaa laa la la then you cant tell me nothing, right. 給我一條路,讓我過關吧
我不需要停車加油 Excuse me . Is you saying something? 若能無視流言蜚語,就不怕三人成虎 Uh, uh, you cant tell me nothing. 若不一無所有?
又怎麼會在各種聲色誘惑中坐懷不亂? Let the champagne splash, let that man get cash, 要有自己的靈魂支柱,堅持自己的信念 Let that man get pass. 如果被埋葬在一個全是金銀的墓穴 He dont needa stop to get gas, 這些寶物又有什麼意義? If he can move through the rumors, he can drive off of fumes, CUZ? 一分耕耘,一分收穫 How He move in a room full of nose? 所以如果說惡魔穿Prada How He stay faithful in a room full of h**s? 亞當夏娃還赤身裸體呢 Must be the pharoahs, he in tune with his soul, 我自知我什麼都不是,但我肯定是最潮的那個 So when he buried in a tomb full of gold. 只是沒有那麼偉大 Treasure. Whats you pleasure? 別做垂死掙扎 Life is a, uh, depending how you dress her. 當朋友們追憶你的時候 So if the devil wear Prada, 都只剩下匪夷所思 Adam Eve wear Nada , 等我賺夠了屬於我的錢 Im in between, but way more fresher. 你們就再也不能對我講那些大道理了 With way less effort, cause when you try hard, 抱歉,你剛說什麼鬼? Thats when you die hard. 你沒資格對我說教了 Ya homies looking like 'Why God?' When they reminisce over you, my god. laaa laa la la wait til I get my money right. laaa laa la la then you cant tell me nothing, right.
Excuse me. Is you saying something? Uh, uh, you cant tell me nothing.