- 魚頭_killa4nia For ma G 歌詞
- Capper 魚頭_killa4nia
- 編曲: Pain
錄音: pact派克特 混音: pact派克特 Nicky : The real love victory come sweep the agony off the feet this life Ihaven' t ever been founding Idon't know what it could be but no pressure no pressure I was made for this life no diamonds made for this life no diamonds no pressure, no diamonds 魚頭killa4nia: 當天使城的天使對這有了好感 再把加州的陽光也搬到西安 ma real gs就緒 回到街上游戲 但不再那麼的極端 你看生活的選擇真不容易尤其當你才注意到鬍子變的濃密 想幹過的事兒看拳頭上的印兒 早已變成我歌裡的詞兒 跟著伴奏穿過鐵網飛進高牆 伴你搖晃在天空一直蕩蕩到邊疆 這旋律激昂的語重心長的 降落在sandiego最迷人的海灘上 複雜的環境沒讓哥們洩了氣兒 人都得長大別沒忘了內股勁兒 就在黃色的皮膚上紮哥特的字兒 看你最真實的兄弟乾著最真的事兒 Nicky : The real love victory come sweep the agony off the feet this life Ihaven't ever been founding Idon't know what it could be but no pressure no pressure I was made for this life no diamonds made for this life no diamonds no pressure, no diamonds capper: 我想要Rap4 Youth但是些沒法描寫的事兒 你想了解就自己過來看自己走這些地兒 Like walk' in in the khor ma vision like bird 凌晨降落在咸陽機場給家裡傳個信兒 要走好每一步台階兒 這裡教給了我成熟跟成功舉杯cheers 暗自發的誓在熬的每個夜 Big shout out to派文藝路我長大那條街yah 獵殺通常隱藏於獵豔Sober在每個夜店 跟迷失劃清界限My Gs 該學會懺悔以及道謝 凜冽刺骨的告誡像三伏天的暴雪Grr Pow! 罰你繞城牆跑十圈 我看過太多的人誇下海口最後食言 手腕上的勞力士提醒我買不到時間 如果靈感就像輛車那我拽的是輛保時捷Roll up Nicky : The real love victory come sweep the agony off the feet this life Ihaven't ever been founding Idon 't know what it could be but no pressure no pressure I was made for this life no diamonds made for this life no diamonds no pressure, no diamonds 魚頭killa4nia: 還記得我們一度陷入低谷 而骨子裡的不會屈服讓我們至今也還代表西部 不計其數的haters想將我們再次激怒 而藝術升級的次數超越了犯罪記錄 把憤怒用在了對付懶惰 出沒在聚光或閃爍的燈下保持自我 let the life goes on 讓我唱休想裝模做樣 又造謠誹謗real不掛在嘴上 我知道你能聽到四哥的心跳 發出的信號心照在風雨中輕笑 original靠的就是真材實料 直到我們的家人也為我們而感到自豪 人往高處走水往低處流 我的og還有新秀乾了杯中的酒 讓所有佔盡便宜離去的都放心走 we repersent029 nu will never let it go Nicky : The real love victory come sweep the agony off the feet this life Ihaven't ever been founding Idon't know what it could be but no pressure no pressure I was made for this life no diamonds made for this life no diamonds no pressure, no diamonds