- Zero大鍾 一無所知--Zero&未夏 歌詞
- 未夏Minatsu Zero大鍾
- 曾自大到以為自己無所不能
曾感覺生活可以俾我嚟縱橫 直至真正囚禁在逃不開的不幸 先睇到,弱小噶自己這般陌生 就算再點堅強都需有人嚟撐 就算再點痛苦這經歷都無須憎 若是可以,我選擇爬起再次 這刻開始,繼續寫詞 令每秒充滿意義 Found him in the flames There's a beautiful kind of pain Setting fire to yesterday Find the light, find the light, find the light. Found him in the flames There's a beautiful kind of pain Setting fire to yesterday Find the light, find the light, find the light. 同前塵訣別你渴望開闢新噶一頁 昨夜噶暗沉已俾啱降臨噶晨光撕裂 此刻你不懼未知挫折不願下跌 眼淚流下就當做發洩埋在土下隨時間幻滅 冇人會因為你噶可憐對你投下一瞥 過去拋低噶重擔唯有今天繼續接 你詰問艱苦噶生活幾時可以完結 大概唯有斷氣一刻先可暫歇 其實每人都曾被困於沉睡森林 狩獵噶同時成為俾狩獵噶獵人 恐懼本黎就係人噶本能 喺十字路口徘徊時 喺選擇堅定行落去定被現實壓迫獨自失魂 總考慮此刻做噶事可否向未來延伸 但其實你惗多咗 先踏實努力才是喺真正有價值噶選擇 好過此刻無故噶迷惑 原地踏步只不過係對自己懲罰 Found him in the flames There's a beautiful kind of pain Setting fire to yesterday Find the light, find the light, find the light Found him in the flames There's a beautiful kind of pain Setting fire to yesterday Find the light, find the light, find the light 食飽穿暖噶自己仲有何苦可訴? 每次不滿時 惗下曾努力到邊度? 生活充滿太多無奈太多不幸解決唔到 唔係現實殘酷喺我哋只講唔做 連井底之蛙都識眺望天空都算有夢 俾束縛之時點解認為自由不可觸碰? 連我個理科生都可一邊解題一邊寫詞當做系文字填空 算唔算自我放縱? 俾天空寵幸噶飛鷹想奔跑於無邊草地 而大地上噶雄獅渴望拉近與雲的距離 猶如圍城中噶人你羨慕我我崇拜你 每個人都扮演一個最唔想成為噶自己 一世人就算聽講過再多噶道理 唯有真正跌低親自嘗試過刺骨傷悲 先明白這份痛苦可以嚟得這般艷美 唯有經歷挫折先可涅槃在火花中舞姿紛飛 Found him in the flames There's a beautiful kind of pain Setting fire to yesterday Find the light, find the light, find the light. Found him in the flames There's a beautiful kind of pain Setting fire to yesterday Find the light,find the light, find the light. I'm falling down, I'm running backwards All this time is on a train to nowhere We can't turn back, we need to try To find a better way. 有人總想尋找捷徑 但他人捱過噶苦你睇唔明 何時何地應做乜事同你點講得清 只要肯從鍋底向上爬 無論邊個方向都在上升 缺少噶不過喺埋頭去打拼 若單單抱怨自己冇曬動力不再年輕 咁俾埋葬後惗翻哩世真系浪費生命 飛蛾撲火噶行為何必糾正? 哪怕火星四射痛苦加身都要為自己發聲 因為睇到 Found him in the flames There's a beautiful kind of pain Setting fire to yesterday(I wanna make a wish for you) Find the light, find the light, find the light. Found him in the flames There's a beautiful kind of pain Setting fire to yesterday Find the light, find the light, find the light!