- 2 SHINE Flashbomb 閃光俠 歌詞
- who standing on the stage shining like flashbomb
(是誰站在舞台上時像閃光彈一樣閃閃發光) flashbomb pick up microphone like flashbomb (拿起麥克風時像閃光彈一樣閃爍) time to kill the round (是時候結束這個回合) cecond bro sniper ten shining on the bounce 發光發亮 shining like flashbomb (像閃光彈一樣閃爍) 發光發亮 shining like flashbomb (像閃光彈一樣閃爍) on my flip flops dollar on my flip flops never give up dream to buy some drop top 三分上籃I don't need the backpack(不需要包袱) 和c bro泡壺好茶 工作日我們在峽谷裡面流浪 type beat do that sh*t 音量氛圍全部拉大 不好意思碾碎你的職業生涯 hold up, wake up please 天妒的天賦look at this 鮮豔的光束在幸運的關顧著危險的boss who can miss look at me 律動like whisky 裝備的進化翻倍的身價baby i so lit At first掃碼解鎖一輛共享單車 身後一車隊的保鏢在跟隨 言行舉止成為專家IDEA 撒鈔票的動作行雲流水 波瀾壯闊的財富融入了這個Hot game 無人可擋的氣場Sniper no.10 win you did the wrong we got the sauce the show the flow we go shining on the bounce who standing on the stage shining like flashbomb (是誰站在舞台上時像閃光彈一樣閃閃發光) flashbomb pick up microphone like flashbomb (拿起麥克風時像閃光彈一樣閃爍) time to kill the round (是時候結束這個回合) cecond bro sniper ten shining on the bounce 發光發亮 shining like flashbomb (像閃光彈一樣閃爍) 發光發亮 shining like flashbomb (像閃光彈一樣閃爍) Cb on the photo,Hella and Os 當鏡頭加快速度Real bling 切入I'm about to take off(我要起飛了) aint nobody know 我的天賦異禀態度就是飆向高處 Look at me 登上頂點變成 超新星般閃耀著的super hero 怎麼你還在原地你是zero 用盡所有精力率先抵達巔峰 Accelerators用力踩下 Rolling in the paper拍下屬於我的童話 star be dressin 貼上明碼標價 shining like flash bomb對你不停轟炸 who standing on the stage shining like flashbomb (是誰站在舞台上時像閃光彈一樣閃閃發光) flashbomb pick up microphone like flashbomb (拿起麥克風時像閃光彈一樣閃爍) time to kill the round (是時候結束這個回合) cecond bro sniper ten shining on the bounce 混音:Cecond bro 封面:Sniper