- Nomyn remember me 歌詞
- Nomyn
夜深了,我靜坐床榻 It's dark out, sit in bed I 睡意來襲,眼皮沉重如墜千斤 Feel the sleep tug at my eyes 但我無法安然入眠 Still awake this late at night 整日搜索枯腸,一個字也寫不出來 A day done and nothing to write 有人說這並非一蹴而就 Some say it's difficult to find 才思枯竭,無從下筆 And the words, they just stay inside 不如回到過去,一切從頭再來 How about you start at the beginning - 你大夢初醒,我洗耳恭聽 You woke up - go on I'll listen 人生就該如此嗎,空留一張白紙黑字?
這就是我曾存於世間的唯一證據嗎? Is life like this, pen to paper alone like this? 我該放飛思想,以此保留童真? Is this how they’ll see me when I’m gone? 我該丟盔卸甲,奉上軟肋首級? Then should I dismiss my real thoughts to protect my kids 世人將如何銘記悄然離去的我? Should I let them see my weaknesses 我該拋卻皮囊,袒露脆弱真心? How will the remember me when I’m gone? 世人將如何銘記溘然長逝的我?
於是我日日夜夜 Should I let them see my weaknesses 撰寫世間千姿百態 How will the remember me when I'm 只因我與眾生皆是鮮活生動的平凡之人
面對過錯,我將吐露殘酷的真相 So I record the same 我為功成名就而棄絕的一切 The wild and mundane 我將日復一日,哼著小曲揮灑筆墨 Cause I'm a whole person like they'll be too 哪怕將它養成一個難以戒掉的習慣 I'll tell the truth - when I was wrong 只因我將怀揣一顆赤子之心 And what I sacrificed to be strong 追憶舊日年少輕狂的那個自己 I'll write every day, humming away 我寫下的字字句句都直通胸臆 Even make it a habit that I don't lose 穿越心門,躍然紙上 Cause I look back too with a warmer heart 因為我遨遊於頭腦的幻想世界,無人侵擾 At the younger girl I once was 人們說我將永遠迷失自我
毋庸置疑,這才是真實到無以復加的我 My journal's like a link book to my brain 只消翻閱片刻,你將洞悉我的靈魂深處 So reach out to it, cross the gate 但你最好別傾心於我,我一身缺點你消受不起 Cause everything I am is safe here in my mind 物以類聚,時間自會分門別類 Someone told me that I couldn't be myself 按下暫停,一切倏然半途而廢 I would be me even more through my doubts 皆是徒勞,根本沒有什麼人以群分
因我也曾 You'll get a grip of my soul as you read on 貪婪自私,魯莽叛逆 Is it harder to love me now, that you can arrange all my flaws 虛情假意,自欺欺人 Categories, time dates and cause 拋卻激情,混吃等死 Get about halfway and pause 我本不至於此,我本不至於此 It's not worth it there are so many more 百無一用唯有自暴自棄
無人知曉以便放任自流 I've been 我心知肚明,這是我今生走不出的怪圈 Greedy and selfish and borderline reckless 但這是個秘密,能否替我守口如瓶 I mostly broke promises up with myself when 夜深了,我靜坐床榻 I told myself til I could feel no more breath 睡意來襲,眼皮沉重如墜千斤 I'd be better than this, I'd be better than this 但我無法安然入眠 I've only managed to disappoint myself 整日搜索枯腸,一個字也寫不出來 No one knows so they can 't force me to look for help 有人說這並非一蹴而就 It's a cycle I've repeated and know so well 才思枯竭,無從下筆 But it's secret, can you keep it? 不如回到過去,一切從頭再來
你大夢初醒,我洗耳恭聽 It's dark out, sit in bed I Feel the sleep tug at my eyes Still awake this late at night A day done and nothing to write Some say it's difficult to find And the words, they just stay inside How about you start at the beginning - You woke up - go on I'll listen