- Varia瓦利亞 City Light 歌詞
- 王梓丞Garfield.W Varia瓦利亞
- 作詞:Garfield.W / MGG
作曲:Garfield.W/ MGG 混音:Varia464 / Garfield.W 合聲:Varia464 The City light 閃亮在午夜 時針掃過時間是無限 我看不到想不到你的周圍 犯規過的錯全部都撤回 She told me its No way I know its No way yeah~ 你拿著酒杯青葡萄 又換了口味 誰在我凌晨的枕邊 去傾聽我心臟跳動的Boom shake 誰在我凌晨的床邊 say bae! loving you what a beautiful day But there is no place City light Without u without u 陪著我的只剩下了lonely City light伴隨著霓虹 City light 隨著時間移動 City light逐漸在失控 City light 懸浮在失重 Just let you go Drop off just let it go Without you Without you without you Just let it go 誰在我凌晨的枕邊 去傾聽我心臟跳動的Boom shake 誰在我凌晨的床邊 say bae! Ioving you what a beautiful day But there is no place City light Without u without u 陪著我的只剩下了loney 你到底在哪裡 shady u dont believe 我犯過的錯都承擔but u do not leave Baby I know I know 我當初該住口 被刪除的戲份我帶不走也推不走 I really let you down 華麗的篇章終究畫上句號 but U tell me its the true 誰在我凌晨的枕邊 去傾聽我心臟跳動的Boom shake 誰在我凌晨的床邊 say bae! Ioving you what a beautiful day But there is no place City light Without u without u 陪著我的只剩下了loney MGG That city light like the sun shine on me 霓虹燈下的我留下滿目瘡痍 孤獨的我被拋棄繁華背面的困境 是否還會有消息忘不掉的你剩我在哭泣 誰在我凌晨的枕邊 去傾聽我心臟跳動的Boom shake 誰在我凌晨的床邊 say bae! Loving you what a beautiful day But there is no place City light Without u without u 陪著我的只剩下了lonely 464 The city light The city light ————end—————-