- Siromaru conflict 歌詞
- Cranky Siromaru
- First Appearance: THE BMS OF FIGHTERS 2011
在一邊, On one side, 一股黑暗勢力正在集結他們的軍隊. the forces of darkness are gathering in their legions. 在另一邊,
一個秘密聯盟宣誓要守護真理的火焰. On the other, / 架空語言/ a secret alliance is sworn to keep the flame of truth alight.
Ti pyar Vie iyad ra che uf kro sho Rat dava rof nii proti ei kof 如果兩個無法和解的宿敵都在為他們最珍視的事物而戰, Ryuf voshu to ryaba ya kat kosu is 他們是否會為了取得勝利傾盡全力? Vi rien tsen vu hies taha chies ni ien fru 如果他們為之而戰的是相同的事物, If two implacable foes are both fighting for what they hold most dear 他們又會如何為之拼命? what lengths will they go to in their struggle to prevail? 在與殘忍的敵人展開殊死搏鬥中...
/ 架空語言/ And how much further will they go if what both are fighting for is the same thing? In a desperate conflict, with a ruthless enemy...
Zuorhi viyantas was festsu ruor proi Yuk dalfe suoivo swenne yat vu henvi nes Sho fu briyu praffi stassui tsenva chies Ien ryus sois nyat pyaro shennie fru Prasueno Turoden shes vi hyu vu praviya Tyu prostes fis hien hesnie ryanmie proshuka Wi swen ryasta grouts froine shienhie var yat Nyam raika rit skuois trapa tof 一名為戰鬥而生的勇士,
一個決心要征服的敵人... Ti pyar Vie iyad ra che uf kro sho 讓戰鬥開始! Rat dava rof nii proti ei kof / 架空語言/ Ryuf voshu to ryaba ya kat kosu is Vi rien tsen vu hies taha chies ni ien fru
A man born to fight, an enemy bent on conquest... Let battle commence!
Zuorhi viyantas was festsu ruor proi Yuk dalfe suoivo swenne yat vu henvi nes Sho fu briyu praffi stassui tsenva chies Ien ryus sois nyat pyaro shennie fru Prasueno Turoden shes vi hyu vu praviya Tyu prostes fis hien hesnie ryanmie proshuka Wi swen ryasta grouts froine shienhie var yat Nyam raika rit skuois Iyaf ties fika prafa trapa tof