- 新樂府 牡丹亭·尋夢·江兒水 (live) 歌詞
- 新樂府
- Jiangershui, selected from “Seeking the Dream” from The Peony Pavilion
(唱)偶然間心似繾,在梅樹邊。 似這等花花草草由人戀, 生生死死隨人願,便酸酸楚楚無人怨。 待打並香魂一片,陰雨梅天,阿呀人兒呀!守的個梅根相見。 (Sing) By the side of this plum tree, my heart was tied to another. If our choice in love were as free as our love for flowers, If life and death were in our hands, there would be an end to suffering. There would be an end to suffering. Yes, I will keep watch over this plum tree, until I meet my beloved once more.