- Cosmic Boy love in summer 歌詞
- George Cosmic Boy
- Sometimes I can't do nothin'
[歌詞貢獻者: 99162336 Chatoyantsuga 翻譯貢獻者: 276378013 derAugensternx] But think about the times I had with you 有時我並無空閒瑣事纏身 We used to drink into love 但仍會回想起與你曾經歷的點滴 Below the sun and the moon up above 我們曾醉心於熱烈愛情 And I've never been this far 日日夜夜無時不刻沉溺於此 As far as I could be 而我也從未行至這般長遠 So take me back to love you 只要能夠做到便會盡我所能愛你 So I could tell you sorry 因此就請帶我回溯到愛你的時光吧 Angel in my mind 如此我就能對你表達抱歉之意 A million miles away 我腦海之中依然駐留的天使 You're more than vodka rain 如今已遠遠相隔足有百萬英里 You never tried with me 相比vodka rain 你要更為明朗美好(注: vodka rain為一韓國獨立樂隊名曲風大多較為歡快明亮) Love in summer 你從未與我有過嘗試 Oh love on the shore 夏日愛戀 Oh love in summer 海岸邊綻放的愛情之花 Oh love I wanna stay forever 盛夏愛戀 I got a dumb thing to say 愛呀我想永遠留駐此處 When I could get a sip of that champagne 我有件愚蠢笨拙之事想與你傾訴 I used to think we knew love 當我可以小酌一口香檳微醺之時 The way I used to think my life could change 我曾以為我們懂得愛之真諦 And you've never been this far 因而也曾想像我的人生可以有所改變 As far as you could be 而你卻從未抵達這遙遠的地方 And I don't wanna miss you 但你只需停駐於你力所能及之地 Singin' on my own 我去找你就好不願就此錯失你 But can you hear me love 孤身一人高唱著 A million miles away 但你能領會我歌聲中的愛意 There was somethin' special 哪怕你身處百萬英里之外 A million miles away 有些無法言喻的微妙事物 Love in summer 於百萬英里開外如此特殊 Oh love on the shore 夏日愛戀 Oh love in summer 海岸邊綻放的愛情之花 Oh love I wanna stay forever 盛夏愛戀