- John Legend Glory 歌詞
- Common John Legend
- One day, when the glory comes
某天,我們身披榮耀而歸 It will be ours, it will be ours 那是屬於我們的,無上榮耀 Oh, one day , when the war is won 某天,戰爭的烽火熄滅 We will be sure, we will be here sure 我們對此深信不疑, Oh, glory, glory 哦,無上榮耀 Oh, glory, glory 哦,無上榮耀
前往極樂世界,沒有人性的殘酷,沒有武器的冰冷 Hands to the Heavens, no man , no weapon 一切初具雛形,然而屬於我們的無上榮耀早已註定 Formed against, yes glory is destined 每天都有人書寫不朽的傳奇詩篇 Every day women and men become legends 施加在我們身上罪惡冥冥之中化為福祉 Sins that go against our skin become blessings 運動好似富有節奏感的韻律 The movement is a rhythm to us 自由乃是我們始終如一的信仰 Freedom is like religion to us 平等在我們的腦海裡根深蒂固 Justice is juxtaposition in us 儘管它並沒有明確的條例規定 Justice for all just ain't specific enough 如有人因此而死,他的精神將永垂不朽 One son died, his spirit is revisitin' us 霸權者就在我們中間,故而我們開始反抗不公 Truant livin' livin' in us, resistance is us 這便是羅莎·帕克斯拒絕讓座的原因 That's why Rosa sat on the bus 這便是我們穿越弗格森高舉雙手遊行示威的原因 That's why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up 呼聲漸起,群眾行動高漲時, When it go down we woman and man up 他們說,停下,然而我們繼續前行 They say, 'Stay down' and we stand up 有人開火,我們匍匐前進,相機的鏡頭抓拍到這一幕 Shots, we on the ground, the camera panned up 領導者指著眾山之巔,我們順著他的視線爬上山巔, King pointed to the mountain top and we ran up 某天,我們身披榮耀而歸 那是屬於我們的,無上榮耀 One day, when the glory comes 某天,戰爭的烽火熄滅 It will be ours, it will be ours 我們對此深信不疑, Oh, one day, when the war is won 哦,無上的榮耀 We will be sure, we will be here sure 哦,無上的榮耀 Oh, glory, glory 現在烽火不再蔓延 Oh, glory, glory 但真正的勝利尚未來臨
我們將戰鬥到最後一刻 Now the war is not over 當一切塵埃落定時, Victory isn't won 我們喜極而泣,榮耀歸來 And we'll fight on to the finish 我們喜極而泣,榮耀歸來 Then when it's all done 塞爾瑪對每個人都意義非凡 We'll cry glory, oh glory 而耶穌也在群眾的擁護面前加冕 We'll cry glory, oh glory 他們高舉火把堅定前行,於是現在我們得以無拘無束
我們永不後悔,因為我們結束了難以想像的長跑 Selma's now for every man, woman and child 在他開闢的一條條坎坷不平路上,總有人成為蓋世英雄 Even Jesus got his crown in front of a crowd 加入追求平等的步伐吧,它代表的是人民群眾的力量 They marched with the torch, we gon' run with it now 敵人潰不成軍,領導者成為人心所向的統治者 Never look back, we done gone hundreds of miles 在禿鷹下面看見了黑人的臉 From dark roads he rose, to become a hero 至關重要的武器僅僅是和平 Facin' the league of justice, his power was the people 我們歌唱,歌聲就像是兩個時代的分界線 Enemy is lethal, a king became regal 在夢中的某個地方我們度過了一次主顯節 Saw the face of Jim Crow under a bald eagle 現在我們成為歷史長河中糾正錯誤的人 The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful 沒有人能夠獨自取得戰爭的勝利 We sing, our music is the cuts that we bleed through 勝利歸功於老人們的智慧和年輕人的力量 Somewhere in the dream we had an epiphany 我們樂意跟人提及這段稱之為勝利的歷史 Now we right the wrongs in history 上帝降臨人間,我看見榮耀的光環熠熠生輝 No one can win the war individually 某天,我們身披榮耀而歸 It takes the wisdom of the elders and young people's energy 那是屬於我們的,無上榮耀 Welcome to the story we call victory 某天,戰火熄滅 Comin' of the Lord , my eyes have seen the glory 我們深信不疑,
哦,無上榮耀 One day, when the glory comes 哦,無上榮耀 It will be ours, it will be ours 哦,無上榮耀 Oh, one day, when the war is won 當戰爭的烽火熄滅 We will be sure, we will be here sure 我們所經歷的這些都載入史書,人們交口稱讚 Oh, glory, glory 我們喜極而泣,榮耀歸來 Oh, glory, glory Oh, glory, glory
When the war is done, when it's all said and done We'll cry glory, oh glory