- Tyga no luck 歌詞
- Tyga
- Okay ocean view glass house
好吧海景房住慣了也就一般般 Room full of heaters 一室尤物讓整個屋子都燥了起來 Dick game make a faithful bitch start cheatin 出神入化的絕招讓無論多忠貞的女人都開始學會說謊
保佑這些婊子們 A blessing to these hoes 沒有理由就是想為她們祈禱 Got em prayin for no reason 哥的身邊只需要真性情的好哥們和愛作妖的馬子們 Got real niggas with me and all my hoes conceited 我吸吮循著節奏深入清潔 I eat it beat it then tongue wash clean it 一般漢子都喜歡做這樣的“清潔工” A nigga start trippin press em cleaners 52個漢子還在後面排隊等著呢
芭蕾舞剛讓哥來了點感覺就趕快將女伶翻轉過來 52 niggas lined up stay schemin 情緒到位的時候就像老房子著了火 Turned ballerina when the bullets start hit me 把這些女人聚集在門前就像女童子軍排排站 Screamin genius firecrack your house 現在你可以轉身試著尋找出口 Put them bitches at your front door like a girl scout 但是無路可退只好大方謝幕 Now you run to the back tryin to find a way out 估計你下半截入土都達不到哥的高度 But theres no way out nigga go and take a bow 這就叫老天爺賞飯吃哥就像壺裡燒開的熱水 Finish to my level I part bury your coffin 像大變態T-bag(越獄配角)一樣對待你的女人對哥來說就是小菜一碟 Is God givin it better Im hot boiling kettle 這時候來張照片就完美了但她就是太放不開
哥是個狂野酷炫拽的漢子不需要前奏助興 T-bagging your bitch I call it dipping my drizzle 一個體力充沛的漢子不需要任何輔助 I probably should take a picture but she probably get offended 一個龍虎精神的男人不需要找准時機 Im a good ass nigga I dont need no luck 玩弄你的馬子讓她只能用鼻尖著地 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck 哥是個狂野酷炫拽的漢子無需前奏助興 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck 一個身經百煉的漢子無需運氣傍身 F**k your bitch now she walkin with her nose up 一個爐火純青的男人無需幸運女神眷顧 I'm a good ass nigga I dont need no luck 玩弄你的馬子讓她只能用鼻尖著地 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck 曾經束之高閣如今唾手可得 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck 這種飄飄欲仙的感覺讓你馬子就像有了魔術大師胡迪尼的逃脫技巧 F**k your bitch now she walkin with her nose up 鏖戰太長時間吐司都變麵包乾了 I dream a genie now pimpin is easy 一個叫賽琳娜的妞長得好像J-Lo (女神詹妮弗·洛佩茲) And the ghost make your bitch reappear like Houdini 和這小姑娘在我的身軀間馳騁
太青澀了都不能完全享受 Spendin hours with that toast get that bread like a birdie 阿拉斯加走一場也就賺個百八十萬吧 Got a hoe like J-Lo they call her Selena 轉手叫個舞孃表演就花了四萬刀 Ridin with that Nina I meant in my stature 去他的周末一直做到週末還差不多 Couldnt entertain you little know factors 哥就愛金屋藏嬌千萬別不信 Got 80 thou for the show in Alaska 各式靚妹雲集我是說真的 Spent 40K on strippers in Atlanta 在一些特殊情調的日子裡都得一絲不掛
這個新來的男孩兒做到一半讓哥匹馬上陣 F**k-off the weekend F**k it til the weekend 咔嗒咔嗒嘣猜猜是誰大駕光臨 I got hoes in my house better believe it 纏繞著我就像是Tune Raidar的節奏 Like killer camp yeah I really mean it 睜開你的眼睛哥不會再說第二遍 Gotta walk around butt naked in some valentinos 哥是個狂野酷炫拽的漢子不需要前奏助興 The new Nino cancelled that bitch then I reload 一個體力充沛的漢子不需要任何輔助
一個龍虎精神的男人不需要找准時機 Click-Clack Boom guess who entered the room 玩弄你的馬子讓她只能用鼻尖著地 Straps on my side like Tune Raidar 哥是個狂野酷炫拽的漢子不需要前奏助興
一個身經百煉的漢子無需運氣傍身 Patch your eye I dont gotta try again later 一個爐火純青的男人無需幸運女神眷顧 Im a good ass nigga I dont need no luck 玩弄你的馬子讓她只能用鼻尖著地 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck 哦哦哦哦哦哦哥就是比你叼 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck 我知道知道 F**k your bitch now she walkin with her nose up 耶哥就是賽過你 Im a good ass nigga I dont need no luck 我明白明白 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck 我搞定了完成了美妙結束了 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck 我曉得曉得 F**k your bitch now she walkin with her nose up 她痴迷了沉醉了不省人事了 Ohhhhhhh Im better than you 我懂呢懂呢 I know it know it 哥是個狂野酷炫拽的漢子不需要前奏助興 Yeah Im better than you 一個體力充沛的漢子不需要任何輔助 I know it know it 一個龍虎精神的男人不需要找准時機 I f**k it up I f**k it up I f**k it up 玩弄你的馬子讓她只能用鼻尖著地 I know it know it 哥是個狂野酷炫拽的漢子不需要前奏助興 She f**k it up she f**k it up f**k it up 一個身經百煉的漢子無需運氣傍身 I know it know it 一個爐火純青的男人無需幸運女神眷顧 Im a good ass nigga I dont need no luck 玩弄你的馬子讓她只能用鼻尖著地 A good ass nigga I dont need no luck A good ass nigga I dont need no luck F**k your bitch now she walkin with her nose up Im a good ass nigga I dont need no luck A good ass nigga I dont need no luck A good ass nigga I dont need no luck F**k your bitch now she walkin with her nose up