- 箱子Box 順流而下 歌詞
- 箱子Box
- 混音:甲殼蟲Studio
和聲:三維 My guy is a solider 鐵馬冰河入夢來 Hold my gate and ride me to top 褲鏈門上天台 Im a filler 填充霧裡我下棋 She say we cant deny who we are 江山易改本性難移 Drift down the river 順流而下 Heading for a trip 旅程 Drift down the rive 順流而下
當我醒來入夢境整天供養著發呆 Waveman on track,No such shits or carp, bad 無事就是好事 Where you have been,I see box in culdesac 當我屹立懸崖 Hold that,I pose that,get Kodak yeah 一定要拿柯達牌相機給我拍照 No need to swim in pool 我豈是池中之物 Get a nice cigar and a cool lady 玉溪的林黛玉 Im a survival in zoo 叢林法則沒有憐憫 Imagine all we do is just groove 特別是跳舞的時候
Image like a bird. get new fur 貴人鳥 Being like a jerk 臭男人 Dirt is dirty 土好髒 Free Dominican 多米尼加共和國 Do the gambling 這把梭哈 Do what I do 任性的拼著 Mission Selfish 自私地活著 Like a bird in the game 籠中之鳥 Like a buck in Michigan 虛構之鹿 Like a forest .me not gump 進退維谷 Like the river 順流而下
Pay day ,They are looking for me 秋後算賬,年前結清 Need it Again Need it Again ,I dont need Parliament 別評論 向下是壓力向上是壓縮 向左是烏托邦向右對現實嫁禍 天空是灰色有時地面會褪色 I ma lean on that tree,Shits I cant figure out 啤兒茶爽零零汽水把我搞暈了 Aint get that fever,I get no jokes 不信謠不傳謠 Wandering and drifting, so we drink and we smoke 獨立健康地生活 drift down the river 讓我們蕩起雙槳 順流而下 Popo not normal ,And Im the local 我是上海人 Shits getting low low,And thats good for hormone 激素分泌 Waveman No Earthman ,I guess im not human 我不是人 I guess im a total,I guess Im a bobo 我是波波波波克斯