- 插頭 愛情魔藥也救不了你 歌詞
- 甜椒 插頭
- 編曲:Encore
錄音/混音:Earhouse耳窩 想念想見面想你在我身邊 晴天每一天只想和你聊天 好險被發現心動預警很危險 藍調小情調緊張到會跑調 傻笑壞坏笑不自覺花痴笑 奇妙又不妙這感覺有點微妙 plz don't try to break my heart oh i can't let u go all the girls are same but u so let me stay with u oh there's no one like u oh let me stay with u oh there's no one like u oh let me stay with u 十八歲少女的戀愛日記 在告白後甜蜜開啟 冰島的秘密還是巴黎迪士尼 心思也不算小氣只是想和你一起 聖誕夜彩燈下曖昧氣氛微妙 全身細胞釋放荷爾蒙努力示好 專屬夜晚小鹿亂撞沒辦法脫逃 熾熱擁抱一劑強力外敷的春藥 快速下單粉紅色的愛心手銬 草莓香水味道 脫下糖衣包裹外套 會心一笑 終於要把彼此吃掉 plz don't try to break my heart oh i can't let u go all the girls are same but u so let me stay with u oh there's no one like u oh let me stay with u oh there's no one like u oh let me stay with u sunrise sunset under the moonlight hold u hand to dance no ask me why u lookin' so right imagin u are in white fallin love with u no on can take u i won't let u go all the girls are same but u all the boys are same but u so let me stay with u oh there's no one like u oh let me stay with u oh there's no one like u oh let me stay with u