- コミネリサ red monochrome 歌詞
- コミネリサ
- Red monochrome
燈籠將大門照得通紅,紅得更加難以置信 作曲:柿島伸次 今夜里傳來了木屐的聲音 作詞:中野愛子 銀色的月光照耀著人們的歡聲笑語 主唱:小峰理紗 蒼白的星星無聲地點綴著祭典的夜晚 Lanterns makes red gate red more fantastically 五顏六色的刨冰像彩虹一樣 Wooden clogs play the sound in the deep tonight 很快地融化消失在這夏日的陽光之下 Silver moon shines and laughs proudly 悠揚的旋律縈繞在我的耳邊 Pale stars just keep silence in the robe of night 與你在一起閒逛交談的日常現在我終於知道... Shaved ice in every color of the rainbow 你像幻影一樣消失在我身旁 Its melting swiftly and quickly in the summer sun 被這正午的陽光照耀著的你身在何方? Earworm has been around me everything of routine 我覺得我想你了 Hang out conversation I knew it... 這在以前從沒有過 You have vanished from me like a mirage 我想總有一天我們會重逢的 Where have you been midday sun worked it? I think I miss you That is never happened before I thought Ill see you tomorrow