- Taylor Swift 22 歌詞
- Taylor Swift
- Taylor Swift-22
It feels like a perfect night 華燈初上 To dress up like hipsters 最適合打扮成街上最靚的仔 And make fun of our exes 調侃著奇葩的前任 It feels like a perfect night 夜深人靜 For breakfast at midnight 最適合把夜宵當成早餐 To fall in love with strangers 與陌生人墜入愛河 Ah-ah ah-ah 好耶 Yeah 好耶 Were happy, free, confused 青春的主旋律莫過於 And lonely at the same time 心花怒放,無拘無束,悵然若失又形單影只 Its miserable and magical 它或是慘絕人寰,又或是奇蹟再現 Oh yeah 好耶 Tonights the night when 今夜是時候 We forget about the deadlines 忘卻束縛和羈絆 Its time 就在今夜 I dont know about you 嘿,我與你素未謀面 But Im feeling 22 但我正值青春洋溢的22歲 Everything will be alright if 相信我,一切都會柳暗花明 You keep me next to you 倘若你跟緊我的腳步 You dont know about me 你也對我一無所知 But Ill bet you want to 但你也一定很想了解我 Everything will be alright if 一切都會否極泰來 We just keep dancing 只要我們盡情舞蹈 Like were 22 像22歲一樣元氣滿滿 Twenty-two 像22歲一樣朝氣蓬勃
It seems like one of those nights 夜幕降臨 This place is too crowded 這里摩肩接踵 Too many cool kids 全是街上最靚的仔 Ah-ah ah-ah 沒錯(泰勒斯又是哪位十三線歌手呢? ) It seems like one of those nights 更闌夜色 We ditch the whole scene 忘乎所有 And end up dreaming 暢想未來 Instead of sleeping 徹夜不眠 Yeah 好耶 Were happy, free, confused 青春最好的樣子不失為 And lonely in the best way 心花怒放,無拘無束,悵然若失又形單影只 Its miserable and magical 它或是慘絕人寰,又或是奇蹟再現 Oh yeah 好耶 Tonights the night when 今夜正是時候 We forget about the heartbreaks 把閒愁萬種置之腦後 Its time 就在今夜 I dont know about you 嘿,我雖與你素不相識 But Im feeling 22 但我正值青春年少的22歲 Everything will be alright if 相信我,一切都會柳暗花明 You keep me next to you 倘若你跟緊我的腳步 You dont know about me 你也對我一無所知 But Ill bet you want to 但你一定很想了解我 Everything will be alright if 一切都會否極泰來 Alright (都會好的) We just keep dancing 只要我們舞動青春 Like were 22 像22歲那樣 Twenty-two 像22歲那樣 I dont know about you (我與你素不相識) Twenty-two 像22歲一樣 Twenty-two 像22歲一樣
It feels like one of those nights 月明星稀 We ditch the whole scene 忘乎所有 It feels like one of those nights 三更半夜 We wont be sleeping 通宵達旦 It feels like one of those nights 更闌時分 You look like bad news 你像是厄運徵兆 I gotta have you 我卻在劫難逃
Ooh-ooh ooh-ooh 哦 Yeah hey 好耶!嘿! I dont know about you 我們素未謀面 But Im feeling 22 但我正值22歲青春年少 Everything will be alright if 相信我,一切都會否極泰來 You keep me next to you 倘若你跟緊我的腳步 You dont know about me 你也對我一無所知 But Ill bet you want to 你一定很想了解我 Everything will be alright if 一切都會柳暗花明 We just keep dancing 只要我們繼續忘我地舞蹈 Dance like were 就像 Like were 22 22歲一樣 Twenty-two 熱情洋溢 Twenty-two 朝氣蓬勃 Twenty-two 熱情四射 It feels like one of those nights 夜色瀰漫 We ditch the whole scene 短暫告別晝慨宵悲 It feels like one of those nights 良宵美景 We wont be sleeping 不眠共賞月夕花朝 It feels like one of those nights 火樹銀花 You look like bad news 你像是我的下一個厄運 I gotta have you 我在劫難逃 I gotta have you 我在劫難逃