- The Naked and Famous All Of This 歌詞
- The Naked and Famous
- I cant begin to explain*
我就是無法開口對你解釋 How we disassemble the parts and frame 我們該怎麼拆除這部分這框架 [00:52.44][01:13.25] [02:02.26][02:22.27][02:38.90][03:44.23][02:56.74] 親愛的,又是萬事同一的晚晨 Baby its the same late morning 連個秀都沒有 The same no show 到處溢滿呆板習慣,十年如一日啊 Its the same ******* habits 我猜我們都毫不知情 I guess we dont know 死氣沉沉,諸如此類,萬事萬物,正令我們支離破碎 [01:05.31][03:28.35][02:41.38][03:36.28][02:48.80] All of this is tearing us apart 我不知道,我們,還有那些無趣場景,從哪天起就變那樣的? [01:09.26][03:32.17][02:44.79][03:40.18][02:52.79]I dont know where us or this start 萬事萬物,令我們支離破碎 If theres anyone near when we collide 我不知道,我們,還有那些無趣場景,從哪天起就變那樣的? We throw them in the middle 當我們吵架,山崩地裂,要是周圍有任何活人 They can pick sides 我們倆該合夥把他們丟到咱們中間 As the plans turn into compromise 讓他們挑邊站 The promises all turn to lies 當計劃一一軟化變質跳入委曲求全 The spite builds up and i cant get through 海誓山盟拐成了驚天謊言 Passive me agressive you 怨意的房子高高直立,但我就是無法開門正大光明通過它 I know I nag, I moan i know 我太消極你太敵意 But with a plan like this its way too slow 我知道,我碎念,我悲觀,我老早就明了 In the time it took to get this bad 但有個這種破爛計劃,你會由衷發現,我們前路漫漫而我們太慢 I could have made this work but all i had was 這時辰,人生百態都溜向壞的那邊 The hope that pieces would take shape 我可令它快點開始,可我以前所有的 And we could watch them all fall into place 都是片片粉碎,但逐漸成型的希望 [02:26.21][02:29.40][02:32.62]Fall into place 我們就這樣看著吧,看一切有條不紊鋪開而來