- John Squire Sophia 歌詞
- John Squire
- Sophia, Sophia
蘇菲婭蘇菲婭 Say youll be mine 想听你說你是我的 Dont leave me hanging out to dry 不要把我拒之門外 I wait at the factory gates seven days a week 我每日都在你工廠前張望 Sophia, Sophia, so fine 蘇菲婭蘇菲婭你太美啦
你與門外的人交談甚歡 You know outside every strong man 軟弱的我也渴望成為其中一個啊 Theres a weak one trying to get in 我日行一善 Every single good deeds 可還是無法彌補我的罪過 Just a stones throw from sin 只是一次回眸 You sank me with one shot 我就跌入你的柔波 Just below the waterline 蘇菲婭蘇菲婭我該怎麼辦 Sophia, Sophia, so fine 我把你的名字寫在了地圖上
想穿過重巒疊嶂去你心房 I painted you with street signs 可是你卻有了新的戀情 To find a way to your heart 這感覺簡直糟糕透了 But you got another lover 我喜歡你帶給我的一切痛苦 And its tearing me apart 我是一個不折不扣的受虐狂 I thrive on complications 我錯過了你的暗示 Im a good old-fashioned masochist 錯過了一切 I never got the message 我想沒資格再說 So many signs I missed “讓我們等等看”了 I was in no condition to say 一生中沒有比錯過你 Let's wait and see 更讓我難過的事了 Theres nothing in life so tradgic 繁星滿天而我們相隔數里 As a missed opportunity 沿著125號公路的燈光 So despite the miles and because the night 蘇菲婭蘇菲婭我失眠了 Intercity 125 我不知道我們是怎麼走到這一步的 Sophia, Sophia, so fine 我是一個落魄的倒霉蛋
你卻從山丘走下 Well I dont know how we got here 為我打開心門 Dumb luck or a twist of fate 蘇菲婭蘇菲婭我無時無刻都在等待 But youre walking down the hillside 我可曾與你說過 And youre opening the gate 我快要放棄了 Sophia, Sophia, seven days a week 蘇菲婭蘇菲婭你讓我如此難受 Have I told you lately 可是無論怎樣去想 Yeah Im almost complete? 為你做出一切的努力都是值得的 Sophia, Sophia, it cuts me up both ways 即使付出一切 Try to see it from every point of view 蘇菲婭蘇菲婭我不會 Everything worth fighting for 忘記所有遺失的美好 Comes at such a cost 蘇菲婭蘇菲婭看著你的微笑 Sophia, Sophia, Ill never 猶見你和我們的孩子在藍色薄紗一樣的 Forget all the good things I lost 晚夏時光裡 Sophia, Sophia, seven acre smile 陽光斑駁滿地 Tiffany blue looking at you and your child 這一刻我才開始明白 Late summer sunshine 明白這無法形容的渴望與企盼是為了什麼 Splashed across the floor 為了與你兒孫繞膝 Now I know its all in the details 與你共度餘生 Now I know what this is for Three generations walk together Once more