- MONA Shooting The Moon 歌詞
- You 're wide eyed looking for excuse
你睜大了眼睛尋找藉口 I got a bloodline looking for the root 而我天性便是追踪到底 Here you go now,now the choice is choose 來吧,你現在就要做出選擇 Oh no man,you got something to lose 抱歉了,你馬上就要失去一切 Acting funny like you have seen it all 你擺出一副游刃有餘的滑稽模樣 You got a crown and I 'm gonna knock it off 而我現在就要將你推下王座 King of the castle,it ' s gonna fall fast though 身居高位,覆滅更是頃刻之間 Oh no man,I got something to prove 瞧好了,我現在就要讓你見證 I am, I am,I am shooting the moon x3 我要殺出重圍,破釜沉舟,義無反顧 I am,I am,I am 我要贏下一切 I could write a line and you could mimic me 你能模仿我的話語 You want the same things stealing my identity 你希望能複制我,渴求能成為我 You like what I say,you like what you see 你羨艷我的所擁有的 Oh no man,you got something to lose 抱歉了,你馬上就要失去一切 I can see this is headed for a brawl 我知道一場爭執在所難免 You can copy cat but you ain 't cat at all 你天衣無縫的模仿依舊掩蓋不了你是贗品的事實 I 'm pulling triggers and I 'm gunning for it all 扣下扳機,我現在就要贏得一切 Oh no man,I got something to prove 瞧好了,我現在就要讓你見證 I am,I am,I am shooting the moon x3 我要殺出重圍,破釜沉舟,義無反顧 I am,I am,I am 我要贏下一切 All that you tried to hide 你試圖隱瞞的 All that you buried inside 你曾經掩蓋的 Will get you back,so watch your back 小心點,它們會重新找上門來 It 'll get your back,man watch your back 小心點,它們會讓你生不如死 All that you tried to deny 你妄圖否認的 All of your velvet tongued lies 你花言巧語的 Will get you back,so watch your back, 小心點,它們會重新找上門來 It 's coming soon...shooting the moon 它們已經等不及……贏回一切 I am,I am,I am just shooting the moon 我要殺出重圍,破釜沉舟,義無反顧 I am,I am,I am you gotta get shooting the moon 我要殺出血路,賭上所有,絕不回頭 I am,I am,I am shooting the moon 我要贏下一切 I am,I am,I am 贏下一切 You gotta go man the writing's on the wall 快逃吧,一切都已經昭然若揭 Trip into the room like you 're headed for a fall 你倒進房間的樣子就像是倒向地獄 I ain 't answering cause you didn 't call 既然你已經無話可說,那麼我也無可奉告 I 'm pushing back cause my back's against the wall 我只會步步緊逼,因為我已無退路 Too soon it 's the rising of the moon 好快啊,月亮已經升起了 You better pull the trigger,better pull it soon 我馬上就要做出了斷 You better pull the trigger baby,just shoot 結束這一切 You better pull the trigger baby,just shoot! 贏下這一切