- Temples strange or be forgotten 歌詞
- Temples
- I was looking at the stars
那夜凝望星辰 Not the ones youve seen 遙望那些從未被人發覺的閃亮 Silently opaque through the silver limousine 悄然間光鮮的香車都顯黯淡 Floating in the air 在空氣中飄浮 Powdering to preen 粉末般裝點夜幕 Chandeliers will crack 如枝形吊燈破碎 Crumble reconveen 破碎又聚攏
我們倒下之前也會留下榮耀嗎 Is there a pride before we fall? 是生於午夜之人 Born of the night time 沉溺於對新鮮事物的渴望 Wait in desire for something more 是疲於午夜之人 Bored of the night time 迷茫於前方的道路 I dont know what to take now 等待感官至上為我指明方向 I will wait for the upward feeling 朝朝暮暮皆有命中註定 Meant to be any day now 我還能否擺脫這桎梏 Will I ever be something more than 要么標新立異要么被世界遺棄 Strange, strange or be forgotten 拒絕隨波逐流 Abstain from the passing fashion 若功名只是一紙空文 If fame is really an illusion then 那便去標新立異吧或被世界遺棄 Be strange, strange or be forgotten 活在回憶的夢境 I am living in the past 未來向我奔襲而來 Future came to me 捲入朵朵遙遠之憶 Caught up in the tide of a distant memory 湊近跟前 Coming to the fore 迫不及待著我去揭開 Waiting to reveal 捲入另一個世紀的時間長河 Caught up in the time of a different century 在無數眼神中 Myriad eyes 你從未如此活過 You were alive for the first time 在優雅的微笑中 Elegant smile 是你最後一次救贖 You were revived for the last time 迷茫於前方的道路 I dont know what to take now 等待感官至上為我指明方向 I will wait for the upward feeling 朝朝暮暮皆有命中注定 Meant to be any day now 我還能否擺脫這桎梏 Will I ever be something more than 要么標新立異要么被世界遺棄 Strange, strange or be forgotten 拒絕隨波逐流 Abstain from the passing fashion 若功名只是一紙空文 If fameis really an illusion then 那便去標新立異吧 或被世界遺棄 Be strange, strange or be forgotten