- High Water (For Charley Patton) 歌詞 Bob Dylan
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- Bob Dylan High Water (For Charley Patton) 歌詞
- Bob Dylan
- 編曲: Bob Dylan
洪水沒日沒夜暴漲 High water risin, rising night and day
金銀財寶全被偷走了 All the gold and silver are being stolen away
Big joe也心懷鬼胎,東張西望(Big Joe Turne是R&B和"爵士樂"的雙重傳奇人物) Big Joe turner looking east and west from the dark room of his mind
可算到了堪薩斯城,滿是藤蔓的第十二街 He made it to Kansas city, twelfth street and vine
可是那裡一無所有 Nothin standing there
滿眼汪洋 High water everywhere
洪水依舊在暴漲,棚屋倒塌 High water rising the shacks are sliding down
人們失去財產,開始四散逃災 Folks lose their possessions, the folks are leaving town
伯莎•梅森搖晃它,打破它,又把它掛在牆上(Bertha Mason是《簡愛》中的人物) Reformation shook it, broke it, then she hung it on the wall
說道,你只能和我指定的人跳舞,否則就算了 Say you dancin with whom they tell you to or you dont dance at all
洪水洶湧 Its tough out there 滿目汪洋 High water everywhere
我渴望能有沖天的快感 I got a craven love for blazin speed 以磕嗨作樂 I got a hopped up mustang ford
小姑娘,上來吧 Jump into the wagon, love 把你們的褲衩扔到海裡 Throw your panties overboard 我能寫出那種令猛男落淚的詩歌 I can write you poems, make a strong man lose his mind
我又不是什麼人模狗樣的東西,你得對我好點 Im no pig without a wig, I hope you treat me kind
麼都沒剩下 Things are breakin up out there
一片汪洋 High water everywhere
洪水暴漲過頭頂六英寸 High water rising, six inches above my head
棺材漂在街上,像鉛鑄的氣球 Coffins droppin in the street like balloons made out of lead
水湧入維克斯堡,我不知道該怎麼辦 Water poured into vicksburg, dont know what Im gonna do
她說“別在慌亂中抓住我你難道看不出來我也溺水了嗎” Dont reach out for me, she said, cant you see Im drowning too
洪水洶湧 Its rough out there 滿目汪洋 High water everywhere
喬治劉易斯告訴英國人,意大利人和猶太人 Well, George Lewes told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
小伙子,你的思緒不可能開闊到認識所有維度 You cant open up your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view
人們發現達爾文被困在五號公路 They got Charles Darwin trapped out there on highway 5
法官對警察說,我掌握著他們的生死 Judge says to the high sheriff, I want them dead or alive
他們的死活,我不在乎 Either one, I dont care
滿目汪洋 High water everywhere
杜鵑是種漂亮鳥,能飛能唱 Well, the cuckoo is a pretty bird, she warbles as she flies
我佈道上帝的聲音,我要弄瞎你們的眼睛 Im preachin the word of god, Im puttin out your eyes
我找胖子南希要一點東西吃,她說,把它從架子上拿下來吧 I asked fat Nancy for somethn to eat, she said take it off the shelf
你也很偉大,兄弟,但你終究是你 As great as you are man, youll never be greater than yourself
我告訴她,我並不在意 I told her I didnt really care
滿目汪洋 High water everywhere
我清早起床,我相信我會撣掉笤帚上的灰 I get up in the mornin, I believe Ill dust my broom 離女人們遠點,我會給他們足夠的空間 Keepin away from the women, Im givin them lots of room
克拉克斯代爾上空雷鳴陣陣,要完蛋了 Thunder rollin over clarksdale, everythin a-lookin blue
親愛的,我高興不起來,除非你也快樂 I just cant be happy, love, unless youre happy too
真是糟糕 Its bad out there
滿目汪洋 High water everywhere