- MIKA Billy Brown 歌詞
- Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life.
哦Billy Brown過著一個平凡無奇的生活~ Two kids, a dog, and a precautionary wife. 他有著兩個孩子,一隻小狗還有一位謹慎膽小的妻子 While it was all going accordingly to plan 好像一切事情都正沿著它們的軌道行駛著~ Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man. 但Billy Brown 卻愛上了另一個男人 He met his lover almost every single day 他每天都會遇見他所愛的人(笑)~ Making excuses for his dodgy holiday 找一個藉口在他狡猾的假日里 Unto religion that he said and duly found 對那些宗教信仰他發現著,低聲默讀著 They didn't know that his faith was earthly bound 他們不知道他的信仰可能已經被束縛……
Brown……噢,Billy Brown~ Brown...Oh Billy Brown. 別誤解明亮星辰的意思 Don't let the stars get you down. 別畏懼洶湧海浪的叫囂 Don't let the waves let you drown. Brown……噢,Billy Brown~ Brown...Oh Billy Brown. 去拾起你的信心吧 Gonna pick you up like a paper cup. 把絕望的淚水趕出每一個角落 Gonna shake the water out of every nook. 噢,Billy Brown~ Oh Billy Brown. 哦Billy Brown需要一個指示牌,可以通向他想去的地方
他找到了一個小島,在那墨西哥的海岸 Oh Billy Brown needed a place, somewhere to go. 他離開了他的愛人與家庭 He found an island off the coast of Mexico 因為他需要一個能讓他平靜的地方 Leaving his lover and his family behind. 他在去的路上旅行著 Oh Billy Brown needed to find some peace of mind. 遇見了一個十分勇敢的妓女 And on his journey and his travels on the way, 當他們在一起時,他與她分享著心中的負擔
噢,Billy Brown,你是這個時代的一個可憐受害者…… He met a girlie who was brave enough to say, Brown……噢,Billy Brown~ When they made love he shared the burden of his mind. 別誤解明亮星辰的意思 Oh Billy Brown you are a victim of the times. 別畏懼洶湧海浪的叫囂
Brown……噢,Billy Brown~ Brown...Oh BillyBrown. 去拾起你的信心吧 Don't let the stars get you down. 把絕望的淚水趕出每一個角落 Don't let the waves let you drown. 哦Billy Brown~ Brown...Oh Billy Brown. Brown……噢,Billy Brown~ Gonna pick you up like a paper cup. 去拾起你的信心吧 Gonna shake the water out of every nook. 把絕望的淚水趕出每一個角落 Oh Billy Brown. 噢,Billy Brown~
哦Billy Brown過著一個平凡無奇的生活~ Brown...Oh Billy Brown. 他有著兩個孩子,一隻小狗還有一位謹慎膽小的妻子 Gonna pick you up like a paper cup. 好像一切事情都正沿著它們的軌道行駛著~ Gonna shake the water out of every nook. 但Billy Brown 卻愛上了另一個男人…… Oh Billy Brown.
Oh Billy Brown had lived an ordinary life. Two kids, a dog, and a precautionary wife. While it was all going accordingly to plan Then Billy Brown fell in love with another man