- Modest Mouse The View 歌詞
- Modest Mouse
- Artist:modest mouse
Songs Title:the view
槍口噴出火焰 Your gun went off. 你打飛了自己的嘴,停下來看看哪兒受傷了 Well you shot off your mouth and look where it got you. 我繼續說個不停 My mouth runs on too. 雙方吵得不可開交
我們把握著真理而他們卻堅信自己的看法 Shouts from both sides 這就是我所知的 Well we've got the land but they've got the view! 生命是短暫的 Well now here's the clue. 我希望你能活得久些
我也一樣 Life it rents us. 人的壽命越來越長,生離死別似乎也不那麼痛苦 And yeah I hope it put plenty on you. 至少我認為是這樣 Well I hope mine did too. 如果沒有苦難就沒有安逸
那我認為現在這樣就挺好 As life gets longer awful feels softer. 爭執的話語脫口而出 Well it feels pretty soft to me. 你自覺說過了頭,停下來慢慢回味
而我繼續滔滔不絕 And if it takes **** to make bliss 兩邊水火不容 then I feel pretty blissfully. 我們掌握著真理而他們卻固執己見
現況就是這樣 Your gun went off. 我們站在原地不動 Well you shot off your mouth and look where it got you. 生命短暫 My mouth runs on too. 我希望你能活久些
我也一樣 Shouts from both sides 我們堅持著自己的觀點 Well we've got the land but they've got the view! 時間的流逝沖淡了過往的苦痛 Well now here's the clue. 我早把過去淡忘
如果世人公認的幸福建立在苦痛上 We are fixed right where we stand. 我情願活在自己的幻想裡
生命起伏不息,悲苦不過尋常 Life it rents us . 我感恩當下的一切 And yeah I hope it put plenty on you. 如果沒有苦痛,就沒有快樂 Well I hope mine did too. 那我覺得現在挺好
別人都說沒有傷痛的生命不算圓滿 We are fixed right where we are. 那我寧願永遠也不要看見那虛偽的該死的圓滿
潮起潮落,月圓月缺 As life gets longer awful feels softer. 我熱愛當下的一切 Well if feels pretty soft to me. 凡事都有兩面 And if it takes **** to make bliss 我們的觀點從不改變 well I feel pretty blissfully. 人生的道路上充滿了分叉路口
我們永遠抱有信念 As life gets longer awful feels softer 越往前走,過往的憂愁離我們越遠 and it feels pretty soft to me. 我心滿意足 And if it takes **** to make bliss 放下世俗的言語 well I feel pretty blissfully. 追求內心的平靜
我們永遠相信自己 If life's not beautiful without the pain 我們永遠抱有信念 well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again. 我們的觀點從不改變
Well as life gets longer awful feels softer. And it feels pretty soft to me. For every good deed done there is a crime committed.
We are fixed.
For every step ahead we could have just been seated.
We are fixed. As life gets longer awful feels softer. Well it feels pretty soft to me.
And if it takes **** to make bliss well I feel pretty blissfully.
We are fixed.
We are fixed .
We are fixed right where we stand.