- Big Audio Dynamite E=MC2 歌詞
- Big Audio Dynamite
- Why dont you play the tune now?
“你為什麼不現在就演奏呢?” I dont like music. 我不喜歡音樂。 Come on you little geezer 來吧,小老頭 Youll look funny when youre fifty. 當你50歲的時候,你會看起來很有趣。 Somebody I never met 我從未見過有人 But in a way I know 但在某種程度上,我知道 Didnt think that you could get 沒想到你能得到 So much from a picture show 照片上的東西太多了 Man dies first reel 人死第一卷 People ask whats the deal? 人們問這是怎麼回事? This aint how its supposed to be 這不是它應該的樣子 Dont like no aborigine 不喜歡沒有原住民 Took a trip in Powis Square 在Powis旅行 Pop star dyed his hair 流行歌手染了他的頭髮 No fans to scream and shout 沒有粉絲尖叫和呼喊 When mobsters came to flush him out 歹徒們來把他趕出去 Gangland slaying underground 黑社會殺死地下 New identity must be found 必須找到新的身份 On the left bank for a while 在左岸一段時間 Insanity Bohemian style 精神錯亂波西米亞風格 Ritual ideas relativity 儀式的想法相對論 Only buildings, no people prophecy 只有建築,沒有人預言 Time slide, place to hide, nudge reality 時間滑動,藏身之處,推動現實 Foresight, minds wide, magic imagery 遠見,心靈寬廣,神奇的意象 Met a dwarf that was no good 遇到了一個不太好的侏儒 Dressed like little Red Riding Hood 打扮得像小紅帽 Bad habit taking life 壞習慣在生活 Calling card a six inch knife 電話卡是6英寸的刀 Ran off really fast 跑非常快 Mumbled something bout the past 喃喃自語著“過去的事” Best *** Ive ever seen 我所見過的最好的 As if each moment was the last 彷彿每一刻都是最後一刻 Drops of blood, colour slide 血滴,彩色幻燈片 Funeral for his bride 葬禮上為他的新娘 But its him whos really dead 但他真的死了 Gets to take the funeral ride 去參加葬禮 Ritual ideas relativity 儀式的想法相對論 Only buildings, no people prophecy 只有建築,沒有人預言 Time slide, place to hide, nudge reality 時間滑動,藏身之處,推動現實 Foresight, minds wide, magic imagery 遠見,心靈寬廣,神奇的意象 You know, I dont think Im gonna let you stay in the film business. “你知道,我不認為我會讓你留在電影業。” I like a bit of a cavort. 我喜歡有點不喜歡。 I dont answer solicitors letters. 我不回答律師的信 I apply a bit of pressure. 我施加一點壓力。 ” Space guy fell from the sky 太空小子從天而降 Scratched my head and wondered why 我撓撓腦袋,想知道為什麼 Time slides into time 陷入時間 Across international dateline 在國際日界線 Scientist eats bubblegum 科學家吃泡泡糖 Hall of fame, baseball 棒球名人堂 Senators a Hoodlum 參議員一個流氓 Big chiefs in the hall 大廳裡的大酋長 Ritual ideas relativity 儀式的想法相對論 Only buildings, no people prophecy 只有建築,沒有人預言 Time slide, place to hide, nudge reality 時間滑動,藏身之處,推動現實 Foresight, minds wide, magic imagery 遠見,心靈寬廣,神奇的意象 Stray thoughts fear to tread 迷途的思想害怕踐踏 Placed upon the screen instead 放在屏幕上 Shes my flame too hot to hold 她讓我的火焰太熱,無法控制 Had to settle for her cold 不得不接受她的冷淡 Bloodlust, Greek God, Gold discovery 嗜血,希臘神,黃金發現 Gone bust, tight wad, slow recovery 破產,緊縮,緩慢復甦 Axe job, flame thrower, iron bar and gun 斧頭,火焰器,鐵棒和槍 Betting shop - New owner - A walk in the sun 店-新主人-在陽光下散步 Ritual ideas relativity 儀式的想法相對論 Only buildings, no people prophecy 只有建築,沒有人預言 Time slide, place to hide, nudge reality 時間滑動,藏身之處,推動現實 Foresight, minds wide, magic imagery 遠見,心靈寬廣,神奇的意象 Spread the news the Maestros back 把這個消息傳開來 With a beat-box soundtrack 用口技配樂 The King of brains - Queen of the sack 智慧之王——薩克的女王 Executives have heart attack 高管有心髒病 Its assault course celluloid 它當然賽璐珞的攻擊 The money makers would avoid 這些錢製造商將會避免 Sometimes notions get reversed 有時觀念得到逆轉 Centre of the universe 宇宙的中心 Ritual ideas relativity 儀式的想法相對論 Only buildings, no people prophecy 只有建築,沒有人預言 Time slide, place to hide, nudge reality 時間滑動,藏身之處,推動現實 Foresight, minds wide, magic imagery 遠見,心靈寬廣,神奇的意象 Who do you think you are? “你以為你是誰?” The Lone Ranger? 獨行俠? Youre Jack the Lad!(more) 你是傑克童子!(更多)” Ritual ideas relativity 儀式的想法相對論 Only buildings, no people prophecy 只有建築,沒有人預言 Time slide, place to hide , nudge reality 時間滑動,藏身之處,推動現實 Foresight, minds wide, magic imagery 遠見,心靈寬廣,神奇的意象 Ritual ideas relativity 儀式的想法相對論 All these buildings, no people prophecy 所有這些建築,沒有人預言 Time slide, place to hide, nudge reality 時間滑動,藏身之處,推動現實 Foresight, minds wide , magic imagery 遠見,心靈寬廣,神奇的意象 Oh, ho Oh, ho