- malayika 04582583600 (nightcore) 歌詞
- malayika
- prod:generate malayika ملائكة
you see me no ima no where 風追趕我的速度 when i jump to the sky i drop my tears X2 通向自由的道路上我濕潤了眼眶 we r yung to talk about forever 我說談情說愛過於草率 fading is true while flowering is past 但你在追逐的道路上仍漸行漸遠 when u cant hold it more better let go 魚和熊掌不能兼得 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts 記住永遠不能打破規則 like the moon when it does not increase it decreases 愛情就像月亮不增則減 my soul cannot live without love 我生下來可就是個情種 it will be a lght da never dims 光芒萬丈直取我心臟 double cups makes my hearts grow fonder 喝一杯飲料讓我的心情舒暢