- Caroline Polachek Look At Me Now 歌詞
- Caroline Polachek
寫了一封寄給自己的信 Wrote myself a letter 只提了一個簡單的問題 Just a single question 當你某天再拾起它時 When you finally get this 你會是在何方呢 Where will you be? 你會如沉船般黯淡亦或是成為耀眼的星辰 Will you be a shipwreck or a star 還是傾心於一個甚至不會彈吉他的男孩 Falling for a boy who doesn't play guitar? 現在把一切倒帶重來 Now rewind the tape back to the start 我說你我永不相離,可時過境遷 Said I'd never leave you, but here we are 你甚至不再看向我 And you can't look at me now 我並沒有改變,而是你 I haven't changed, I'm still the same 已不屑於在看我一眼 But you can't look at me now 多想用一顆手榴彈終結一切 A hand grenade to throw away 我的朋友們都跟我說 Now my friends all tell me “你消瘦了許多 ' Girl, you're getting skinny 是沒好好睡覺嗎? “ Have you not been sleeping?' 我怎會如此呢 How could I be? 試著在黑暗中打開檯燈 Tryna find the lightswitch in the dark 從內心埋葬那個並不是我的好女孩 Burying the good girl I know I'm not 現在把一切倒帶重來 Now rewind the tape back to the start 我說你我永不相離,可時過境遷 Said I'd never leave you, but here we are 你甚至不再看向我 And you can't look at me now 我並沒有改變,而是你 I haven't changed, I'm still the same 已不屑於再看我一眼 But you can't look at me now 多想用一顆手榴彈終結一切 A hand grenade to throw away 因為我已不能再逃避 I can't run anymore 駭人的風暴已追到我面前 Gotta stay right here and face the storm 我不能再逃避 I can't run anymore 因為我知道警鐘從何而來 Where the wakeup call is all I know 我不能再逃避 I can't run anymore (我不能再逃避) (I can't run anymore) 現在我必須孤身面對颶風 Gotta stay right here and face the storm 我不能再逃避 I can't run anymore (我不能再逃避) (I can't run anymore) 你已不再看向我 You can 't look at me now 我並沒有改變,而是你 I haven't changed, I'm still the same 已不屑於再看我一眼 But you can't look at me now 多想用一顆手榴彈終結一切 A hand grenade to throw away 請看向我吧 Look at me now (我不能再逃避) (I can't run anymore) 但你終究沒有 You can't look at me now (我不能再逃避) (I can't run anymore)