- Josh Turner I Was There 歌詞
- Josh Turner
- I was there that night in Bethlehem
耶穌降生之地有我的足跡 And when Neil and the boys came to the moon in that tin can 人類第一次登月之時我也曾目睹 At Gettysburg, Omaha beach, in Vietnam 當林肯在葛底斯堡演說,當陸軍在諾曼底登陸,當越南戰場硝煙瀰漫,我都曾在那裡見證歷史 I heard every soldiers cry and every mommas prayer 我傾聽著每一位士兵的吶喊,每一位母親的禱告 I was there 我在歷史的每個時刻伴你左右 I was there when you took your first breath 我守護著你來到人世 When you lit that stolen Lucky Strike and like to choke to death 當你調皮地點燃偷來的人生第一支香煙,差點嗆死時候,我就在你的身邊 When you were waist deep in Carter's Creek 當牧師把你進入齊腰深的小溪 And preacher John dunked you down in the water and raised you up for air 為你洗禮時 I was there 我陪你經歷著生命的每一刻 I'm always around 我時刻伴你左右 I was then and I am now 我曾陪伴你走過人生每一步,至今也未曾遠離 And I'll be here when tomorrow comes 未來的日子,我也將時刻守護 When a road comes to an end 當你覺得走投無路 I'm where you start again 不要放棄,我將在新的起點等你 I'm never farther than a word away 我永遠不會遠離你,放棄你 You've always got a friend 你將永不孤獨 When your grandma passed, I was in that house 祖母離世,我曾在那裡守護著她 When you Grandpa ran down the streets of gold to show her around 祖父牽著她的手,踏上了金色的天堂之路 I was there 我陪你經歷著生命的每一刻 I'm always around 我時刻伴你左右 I was then and I am now 我曾陪伴你走過人生每一步,至今也未曾遠離 And I'll be here when tomorrow comes 未來的日子,我也將時刻守護 When a road comes to an end 當你覺得走投無路 I'm where you start again 不要放棄,我將在新的起點等你 I'm never farther than a word away 我永遠不會遠離你,放棄你 You've always got a friend 你將永不孤獨 I was there last night on highway 9 還記得昨晚9號高速公路的那個車站嗎? When you answered the phoneand ran right through that stop sign 你正一邊接電話,一邊跑向車站 I was in the cab of that big rig, in that trucker's ear 我當時就在沖向你的那輛大卡車上 They made him swerve to the right and miss you by a hair 我在司機耳邊輕語,他控制著卡車與你擦肩而過 I was there 那一刻我正守護著你 If you're feeling alone look up on the One who answers prayers 無論何時,當你感到孤獨,抬頭仰望,上帝守護著你 And I'm always there 我會一直伴你左右