- YELLN Credit 歌詞
- never switch side,stared from the button with my gang
used to be nobody now you see my name ah? 衝出港島街道trapping southside,i made it 搞壞啲圈內秩序 叢林法則street credit 幾百條track,不停咁進步,yeah I made it 一踏一腳步,攀爬新高度,yeah I made it 太多扮懂,但好食懶做 差幾筆數,我睇你唔到 身價太豪,摞album做賬簿(see ma credit)
stay on the ground? never ,我選擇繼續下潛 扎得越深,先有動力去下個峰巔 太多嘢干擾我,選擇瞇埋隻眼 會即刻反超,系梯道半山腰,got yall all eyez on me 睇我make it to the top,which's ma words,ain't no trippin 冷眼嘲笑,i dont care ,just take it as for granted 又有幾個do it like me,都為左錢,爭崩頭搶住要機位 動作太似,爭寵噶馬騮演動物園真人show都冇眼睇