- LSGCsikoriot Omajor VANSDADDY
- 編曲: Jesus Christ
Omajor I was born at the wrong time Where will i go I realized that everyone has same life Where will i go Where are you now I dreamed of this night so many times Where are you now Why is the world so f cold like the knife Where are you now The girls hand gave me a second life Where are you now Everyday I live I wonder how to die 16 Kiss off(吻別)永遠背靠底層街道的男主角 神魂顛倒身份捏造他也想要 LSGCsikoriot 從子宮滑出之後降落 氣溫合適艙內沒有晃動 我在梳妝台前親吻母親的相冊 劫後餘生的感覺給予了我放縱 出生在泥潭我想當蓮花 為個性帶著鼻環我沒有錢花 我跪在佛前它會保佑我全家 但如果我沒出生地球不會螺旋 母親是刨腹產之前打過兩次 產房像電影院有許多不同的場次 樓道的哭聲他們born4癢字 無形的標籤從那刻決定我們檔次 我記憶閃回癱倒在花海 喚起我回憶大腦發瘋似的加載 我前任也會戲曲做拳套得要八百 以前腦殼木總希望時間能夠加快 I hope time wont fly I hope time wont fly When u bring when u dead When u bring when u dead LSGCsikoriot Where are you now I dreamed of this night so many times Where are you now Why is the world so f cold like the knife Where are you now The girls hand gave me a second life Where are you now Everyday I live I wonder how to die 16kiss off永遠背靠底層街道的男主角 神魂顛倒身份捏造他也想要 Vansdaddy Why ya come around? Run it They got my neck like umbilical by my side Mama was crying cuz I nearly died In the meantime I'm just smoking whole lotta dirt 外婆說這娃兒腦殼上咋個三個旋儿? 我在子宮聽我老漢兒把唐詩背了三百遍 That's the main reason I hate it讀書瞌睡穿一天 No such things would digging like this no more,got a kiss for my mama's womb Now she prolly think it's weird,like woo!Son's swooshing In fact,I've been boozing,to spoon,ready to drop out the school,I ain't joshing Now they check my web:”the one about me” 現在都覺得我太頂了(採樣來自Janet Jackson) Why ya come around??? The shit questionable,first like vulnerable 在綿陽街上端起盤盤吃個莫霍 一兩個月的時候我全身長起闊闊 我現在皮子不癢了do what I bound,we copping souls Run it Why ya come around? Shut f up,that’s how we come around