- Maja Francis Last Days Of Dancing 歌詞
- Maja Francis
- I don't have anything to show for this
我沒有什麼值得誇口 I dont know how to even grow upon this 我甚至不知道怎樣去習慣它 I set my alarm and its dark but I get up to get to work on time 我設好鬧鐘,但我仍要早出晚歸 Sometimes I see stars but come on 有時披星斬月卻仍需全力以赴 Ive been asking me to seem oldwise 我看起來彷彿老謀深算 Ive got a feeling that the last days of dancing are coming soon 有預感終末之舞即將來臨 And I have to get ready 而我必須未雨綢繆 I organize myself and tell my friends that they should get ready to 重振旗鼓後告知好友們是時候做好準備了 Try to keep my hands steady 我努力握緊雙手 I fall down, I dont mind! 我的內心已淪陷, 但我毫不在乎! Ah~ Ah~ 啊啊~啊啊~ I dont wanna change it, I dont wanna change it 我不想改變這一切,我不想
我努力追尋愛情的價值,但我萬念俱灰 I think of love love love but still dont know what it means and my heart feels heavy 我與所有咄咄書空的人斷絕了關係 I lose it all with somebody that doesnt know how to feel 希望我的朋友們能祝我一臂之力 Wish my friends will come and get me 我一會兒就沒事了 Im alright for a while 如風馳電掣般穿過這些燈火 Driving fast run those lights 哦!我的內心已淪陷 And oh I feel down 我已領會了你內心的另一面 I know I see you on the other side 我的內心已淪陷, 但我毫不在乎! I fall down, I dont mind! 啊啊~啊啊~ Ah~ Ah~ 我不想改變這一切,不我不想 I dont wanna change, no I dont wanna change it 我的內心已淪陷, 但我毫不在乎! I fall down, I dont mind! 啊啊~啊啊~ Ah~ Ah~ 我不想改變這一切,我不想 I dont wanna change it, I dont wanna change it 我已領會了你內心的另一面 I know I see you on the other side 我已領會了你內心的另一面 I know I see you on the other side 我已領會了你內心的另一面 I know I see you on the other side 我將看透你內心的另一面 Im gonna see you on the other side 我將看透你內心的另一面 Im gonna see you on the other side 我將看透你內心的另一面 Im gonna see you on the other side 我將看透,將看透 Im gonna see you, Im gonna see you 我的內心已淪陷, 但我毫不在乎! (我將看透)! I fall down, I dont mind (Im gonna see you)! 啊啊~啊啊~ Ah~ Ah~ 我不想改變這一切,我不想 I dont wanna change, I dont wanna change it 我的內心已淪陷, 但我毫不在乎! I fall down, I dont mind! 啊啊~啊啊~ Ah~ Ah~ 我不想改變這一切,我不想 I dont wanna change it, I dont wanna change it 啊啊~啊啊~
我不想改變這一切,我真的不想! Ah~ Ah~ I dont wanna change, no I dont wanna change it~