- NÉONHÈART Don唐wait 歌詞
所以向我吐露些什麼吧 So tell me something 在我仍執著於你的花言巧語 When I'm stuck on words to say 在愛情迫近之時 And when it pulls in closer 你我僅有矩尺之遠 I'm two steps too far away 親愛的別再等待
因為在彼時一切都為時已晚 But honey, don't wait, wait 親愛的別再蹉跎時間 'Cause in another moment it's too late 在恐懼將我們疏遠之前 And honey, don't wait, wait 我感受到內心滿溢的衝動 Before the fear takes us away 縱使困難將我阻礙
縱使我一無所獲 I feel it rushing (rushing) 也許我僅僅些許睡眠 And still the ground beneath my feet 我的情人不要再等待了 I'm holding onto nothing (holding onto nothing) 不要等到一切都過晚 What I need is just some sleep (what I need is, all I need is) 我的摯愛不要再蹉跎時間了
趕在恐懼將你我分離前 But honey, don't wait, wait 潛藏在深藍之中 'Cause in another moment it's too late 使我改頭換面 And honey, don't wait, wait 也許我們可以擊敗真實的妄言 Before the fear takes us away 一切都顯而易見
我是多麼的渴望它 Cover me in deep blue 拋棄一切,目送它遠去 Paint me up a brand new 隱沒在湛藍中 Maybe we can break the truth 讓我重新開始 When everything is see-through 也許我們可以擊碎現實的殘酷 See how much I need to 當一切都清晰可見時 Throw it, watch it fly away 我是多麼的需要它
不管不顧,讓一切遠去 Cover me in deep blue 但我的摯愛請你別再等待 Paint me up a brand new 莫要等一切都為時已晚 Maybe we can break the truth 我的親人不要再等待 When everything is see-through 莫等恐懼將你我分離 See how much I need to 莫等恐懼將你我拆散 Throw it, watch it fly away 莫要等一切都無可挽回
我的摯愛不要再等待 But honey, don't wait, wait 在恐懼帶離你我之前 'Cause in another moment it's too late 在恐懼分離你我之前 And honey, don't wait, wait Before the fear takes us away
But honey, don't wait, wait 'Cause in another moment it's too late And honey, don't wait, wait Before the fear takes us away Before the fear takes us away