- WAV Listen Close 歌詞
- Their faces, their words like shooting gun,
他們的面龐,惡毒的言語就像掃射不停的槍 And all you ever did is run. 而你曾經所做的無非只是逃之夭夭 You find yourself in the dark, 你於黑暗中發現了自我 You bury yourself in the dark. 又在暗無天日的深淵中將自己埋葬 The pains and the wars you overcome, 那些你所克服的痛苦,你所贏得的戰爭 You know it's been way too long. 你知道你所走過的已經太過漫長 You finally stood against your fear, 你終將傲立著直面你的恐懼 You finally know that you're already here. 你終將明白你早已身居冕堂 If you listen close, 如果你靠近,仔細傾聽 There's a fire burning deep in my heart. 烈火於我的心底熊熊燃燒 If you listen close, 如果你靠近,仔細傾聽 Oh the storm is raging on 狂風暴雨正肆虐於其中 If you listen close, 請仔細聽聽吧 There's a part of me that wanted to be found. 那是我零落的碎片,等待著重見天日 If you listen close, You listen close, 請湊近些傾聽,仔細傾聽我的歌聲 The time has come. 這一刻已然來臨 In the greyest hours you moved on, 你在最灰暗的時刻砥礪前行 You are on the path to where you belong. 你就身處於那通向你歸宿的道路 You firmly feel you are ever so near, 你堅定地感到你從未如此臨近 You firmly knows that you are almost there. 你堅信你已幾近到達 If you listen close, 如果你靠近,仔細傾聽 There's a part of me that wanted to be found. 那是支離破碎的我,等待著重見天日 If you listen close, 如果你靠近,仔細傾聽 Oh the storm is raging on 暴風雨狂舞著肆虐於其中 If you listen close, 請仔細傾聽吧 There's a part of me that wanted to be found. 那是我零落的碎片,等待著重見天日 If you listen close, 請湊近些,仔細聽吧 You listen close, What I've become. 湊近些聽,我所成為的模樣 Come, come closer, to me... 來吧,請靠近我,請再靠近我一些 Come, come closer, to me... 離我近一點,在我觸手可及的地方