- C-Low Good Morning 歌詞
- C-Low
- Darling, good morning
I love that when you also say Darling, good morning You know me, and I know you We've been driving through the night just to find a place to make love All the twinkles and the waves They've been seeing they've been hearing Good Morning last night i've been balling so hard i 've been sleeping on the sofa 怕吵到你沒回房間 你昨晚睡得怎麼樣, 沒我在旁邊 我有整個的白天來陪你去冒險 山上或海邊, 美國或朝鮮 我願做任何改變去配合你照片 你是蠟筆和彩鉛是我生活的導演 Good Morning Glad you let me roll baby Glad you like my flow baby Glad that we're not broke baby Good Morning 我喜歡你臉色 我喜歡你眼影和床單是同樣顏色 像我一樣冷靜你從來不驚慌失措 你比較有主見我不用做太多選擇 和你在一起很默契話不用說太多 每天早上起床見到你只要說 Darling, good morning I love that when you also say Darling, good morning You know me, and I know you We've been driving through the night just to find a place to make love All the twinkles and the waves They've been seeing they've been hearing Good morning You make me love my life Everyday I wake up 我希望你都在baby 我希望我們都是名人 我們吵架會上電台新聞 People would listen 在他們眼裡我是混蛋 但你看我眼神不一樣你像個痴漢 人們都不想洗碗只想吃飯 他們都不配得到C-Low只有你能過關 Good morning 你長得這麼好看你說什麼都對 Good morning 我喜歡你帶我去吃宵夜嘗試各種口味 我是越南粉你是隔壁的波霸奶茶 浪跡天涯從此並肩看彩霞 我是列寧你是我的克魯普斯卡婭 反正你也不知道她是誰不是嗎 Darling, good morning I love that when you also say Darling, good morning You know me, and I know you We've been driving through the night just to find a place to make love All the twinkles and the waves They've been seeing they've been hearing