- Thousand Foot Krutch Born Again 歌詞
- Thousand Foot Krutch
- Born Again - Thousand Foot Krutch
I tried but I just cant get out of this 我試圖逃離卻不能擺脫困境 Its got me tied like the waves come in 它如同席捲而來的風浪禁錮著我 When this thing hits me I start it again 我在艱難險阻下重新開始我的人生 Cause I could drown just by holdin it in 只因我能夠忍受那些痛苦 I want it 我渴望重生 I got it 我功成名就 Im done hittin the bottom 我能奮戰到底 I can taste it Im so close 亦能迎難而上 Tired of bein haunted 厭倦了縈懷憂思 Im an addict of habit 我就是個冒險狂熱者 Dont hide me in the attic 別把我藏在閣樓裡 Im an angel if I can stay plugged in again 若再次與世界連接我便是天使 Ive been diggin in high and low 全力以赴要做的事還有很多 To find the world I know 我要去尋找我所認知的世界 But I cant seem to find a thing 然而似乎一無所獲 Feel stronger now than Ive ever been 我感到比以前更加堅強 So wont you let me in 所以你不會讓我走進你的內心吧 I feel like Ive been born again 我就像是重生了一樣 Like a time bomb ticking at the scene of a crime 如同作案現場上滴答作響的定時炸彈 Its going down if I let it again 若再次重生它將會停下倒計時 Blow the roof sky high like the fourth of july 像獨立日那天將屋頂吹到高空 Im all or nothing if Im lettin it in 我將重生抑或將隕落 I want it 渴望人生 I got it 功成名就 Im done hittin the bottom 我能奮戰到底 I can taste it Im so close 亦能迎難而上 Tired of bein haunted 厭倦了縈懷憂思 Im an addict of habit 我就是個冒險狂熱者 Dont hide me in the attic 別把我藏在閣樓裡 Im an angel if I can stay plugged in again 若再次與世界連接我便是天使 Ive been diggin inhigh and low 全力以赴要做的事還有很多 To find the world I know 我要去尋找我所認知的世界 But I cant seem to find a thing 然而似乎一無所獲 Feel stronger now than Ive ever been 我感到比以前更加堅強 So wont you let me in 所以你不會讓我走進你的內心吧 I feel like Ive been born again 我就像是重生了一樣活力無限 Im not an easy target 我不是易倒的靶子 Im not an angel in disguise 也不是偽裝的天使 Im just a man that by grace 我只是受到眷顧的凡人 Was given a second chance 被給予機會的凡人 I feel like Ive been born again 我就像是重生了一樣 I know what youre thinking but I just cant think it 我深知你所想的但我望塵莫及 It came alive now Im overtaken 此刻危險正在向我逼近 Thought I had it all till my world was shaken 直到我的世界陷入動盪我還在思考如何面對 I cant erase it theres no mistaking 我無法擺脫它也找不出任何錯誤 Ive been diggin in high and low 全力以赴要做的事還有很多 To find the world I know 我要去尋找我所認知的世界 But I cant seem to find a thing 然而似乎一無所獲 Feel stronger now than Ive ever been 我感到比以前更加堅強 So wont you let me in 所以你不會讓我走進你的內心吧 I feel like Ive been born again 我就像是重生了一樣 Im not an easy target 我不是易倒的靶子 Im not an angel in disguise 也不是偽裝的天使 Im just a man that by grace 我只是受到眷顧的凡人 Was given a second chance 被給予機會的凡人 I feel like Ive been born again 我就像是重生了一樣活力無限