- ayame Fireworks 歌詞
- ayame
朦朧的景色沾上了白色的砂 滲む景色と絡まった白い砂 我沉默著讓你感覺不到我的心跳 鼓動気付かれないよに沈めて 於星期天
我想與你一同欣賞湛藍的海洋 On sunday, 你的輪廓被煙花所照耀 I want to go to see the deep blue sea with the two of us. 我感覺我會被你的笑容吸引 Your profile is illuminated by light of fireworks. 於星期天 吸い込まれそうな笑顔 我想和你一同欣賞湛藍的海洋 On sunday, 你的輪廓被煙花所照耀 I want to go to see the deep blue sea with the two of us. 令人嘆為觀止的碧藍 Your profile is illuminated by light of fireworks. 擴張開來 息が止まりそうな碧 百合花閃耀於天空之下 広がる 如果時間能稍稍暫停下就好了 ゆりの花びら瞬く空の下 於星期天 少し時間が止まればいいのに 我想與你一同欣賞湛藍的海洋
你的輪廓被煙花所照耀 On sunday, 渲染上繽紛色彩 I want to go to see the deep blue sea with the two of us. 於星期天 Your profile is illuminated by light of fireworks. 我想與你一同欣賞湛藍的海洋 カラフルに染められてく 你的輪廓被煙花所照耀
獨自於平靜波浪間的 On sunday, 一道月影 I want to go to see the deep blue sea with the two of us. Your profile is illuminated by light of fireworks. 靜かな波間にひとつ 月影