- Janet Jackson Black Cat 歌詞
- Janet Jackson
寂寞的漫漫長夜 All the lonely nights i spend alone 身邊總缺少一個人 Never 'round to love me 情場失意 You're always gone 還不是因為貪玩的人太多 'Cause you're hangin' out 總想著打破規則 Breaking the rules 有個男人緩緩走來 Oh the man has come 他在尋找你 Looking for you 你卻學會了反抗 You're a rebel now 絲毫不給機會 Don't give a damn 清高也好 Always carrying on 無奈也罷 With the gang 該教給你們做人的道理 I'm tryin' to tell ya boy 這是個錯誤 It's a mistake 你卻始終不懂 You won't realize 總是事後諸葛亮 'Til it's too late 你是天真還是智障 Don't understand 總要堅持自己的信條 Why you insist 活在水深火熱裡面 On ways of living such a dangerous life 你走了之後 Time after time you stay away 我也就明白你滿嘴的謊話 And i just know that you're telling me lies 黑貓九條命 Black cat nine lives 短暫白晝,無邊夜晚 Short days long nights 活得辛苦 Living on the edge 卻從不怕死亡 Not afraid to die 有力的心跳 Heart beat real strong 即使不會太久 But not for long 看好每一步 Better watch your step 鋼索不那麼簡單 Or you're gonna die 你想一個好男人 You're so together boy 總想開腥 But just at a glance 好的壞的都做了 You'll do anything 就算給你一個機會 If given the chance 都會被你浪費 Scheming plannin' lies 現實裡你到底要什麼 To get what you need 所有的承諾 So full of promises 你卻一個都沒遵守 That you never keep 別再自欺欺人 Don't you tell yourself 這並不好啊 That it's okay 身心俱疲 Sick and tired of 無聊的遊戲 All of your games 你只想我做你的收藏品 And you want me to stay 還是別了吧 Aww better change 浪費青春 Makes no sense to me 你簡直神經病 Your crazy ways 總是不懂 Don't understand 你怎麼一直堅持你的信條 Why you insist 把自己弄得進退兩難 On ways of living such a dangerous life 你走了之後 Time after time you stay away 我也就真正明白你之前滿嘴的謊話 And i just know that you're telling me lies 誰是膽小鬼
黑貓 Not afraid to die guitar 總是不明白 Black cat 一直自以為是 Don't understand 把自己生活弄得一團糟 Why you insist 你走了之後 On ways of living such a dangerous life 你的謊言更加清楚了呢 Time after time you stay away 黑貓九條命 And i just know that you're telling me lies 短暫的白晝,無邊的夜晚 Black cat nine lives 生活不易 Short risk long nights 卻從不退縮 Living on the edge 也有強勁心跳 Not afraid to die 即使不會太久 Heart beat real strong 看好每一步 But not for long 否則粉身碎骨 Better watch your step 和我一起唱 Or you're gonna die 黑貓九條命 Singing on 短暫的白晝,無邊的黑夜 Black cat nine lives 生活不易 Short risk long nights 從不退縮 Living on the edge 也會有強勁的心跳 Not afraid to die 即使不太久 Heart beat real strong 看好每一步 But not for long 否則就得說再見 Better watch your step Or you're gonna die