- 黃連煜 璿卿 歌詞
- 黃連煜
- 作詞:黃連煜
蕉嶺長潭山歌/何利泉唱 (長潭行出公王埤一陣鯽魚一陣鯉 鯉嫲毋食叔叔釣捏忒肚腸丟忒佢)
(獨白) 那暗埔聽客頭講 行私路兩三日就會到台灣 私路比官路快又省錢 莊肚個阿貴仔春分敬祖後也過去了 佢講“日仔實在難捱,恁仰個日仔哪有法度過下去呢?!”
共莊個後生條差毋多走淨淨仔 隔壁莊個後生仔也沒拵幾多 雖然聽講那有得人畏個烏水溝 又有人講“六死三留一回頭” 又麼介“過番剩一半,過台灣沒人轉” 驚麼介洨諾 就算路遠又危險 至少比囥在這鬼地方還好啊
亻厓還後生正十九歲 打拼正當時個時節 沒定著幾年後串大錢 恁樣轉老屋買田買地盡有面子啊 故所決定愛來賭佢一擺
從細到大吂識去過恁遠個地方 也沒坐過食海水個大船仔 屋家那塊田堵好賣忒做船費 毋使幾年串錢轉屋 再摎屋家人接過去台灣過好日仔
十九歲了 該當要做一隻大人氣相個男仔人 沒去就沒機會去了至少還有析把仔機會 拼就一條命定
注: 黃璿卿生1795年-卒1867年 西元1813年(時年19)由廣東省嘉應州岩背(今蕉嶺)渡海來台,黃連煜為其第六代子孫
Jiaoling ChangTang Mountain Song by Li-Chun Ho The lyrics of this mountain song use serval metaphors to convey two sides of life in the mountains of Jiaolingcounty. When the lake of ChangTang's water is blown by the wind, gentle ripples are created on the lake's surface, goldfish and carps swim with ease. The latter two sentences use fishing as a metonymy for young men and women as they flirt and court each other. (Monologue) Trafficker said the other night The trip to Taiwan takes merely two to three nights Smuggling is cheaper and faster than traveling on record A-Gui also left the village for Taiwan by boat after praying to his ancestors in mid-spring He said, 'The days here are getting worse! How can I continue to live like this?' Most of the youth of my village have left With few young people remaining in the surrounding settlements Though I have heard of the treacherous Black Ditch And people exclaiming, 'Six perish, three stay, and one returns.' 'Those that travel abroad, half usually survive and return home. But those that venture to Taiwan, none to be ever seen or heard' What have I to fear ? Even if the journey is long and arduous Anything is better than just scraping by here I am young, merely 19 years of age It should be my time to take chances Maybe in a few years I will make it big Return to my village with my pockets lined and all the land to buy I am going to roll a dice with my life Never have I traveled such a distance Nor have I ever taken an ocean vessel My family's land should just about cover my travel fees It shouldn't take me a few years to earn enough So that I can also move my family to Taiwan 19 years of age I am It is time to be a man If I don't go, I will never know if there is a better life to be told Nothing to fear for but my life
Note: Xuan-Qing Huang Born 1795, Death 1867 Xuan-Qing left his home in Jiaoling, Guangdong province at the age of 19 to pursue a better life in Taiwan. Ayugo Huang is his sixth generation direct descendent.