- Kada.C 地下戰役 歌詞
- DoughBoy Geniuz.F Kada.C
Verse 1(Kada.C) 你話香港Hip-Hop 得嗰幾個定係你未察覺 未發覺主流靠包裝地下既你未探索 定我未發惡唔洗反駁唔岩聽當我神經病發作 你懶swag 拍爛擋咪玩rap 咪再製做幻覺 輸就認受靶就企定快啲自動自覺 快啲停我無乜耐性唯有移動視覺 做事咁八婆係咪被閹割你死開咪辯駁 一桿清你袋麻煩請叫我大時代方展博 若果憎我咪接近我你地憎我要小心我 宜家著緊火你行埋黎緊左世界又少咁個 我寧願樹敵更多再多犯錯都唔想食白果 將謠言散播你要玩火我單拖將你嗰竇反鎖 你咪煩我我地喺台上你依舊企埋一邊 你要扮我好難以想像我諗要一百個十年 一支獨秀既考驗等我一桿清袋搞掂 Hater記住你終點系我條起跑線
Verse 2(Jay.L) 有太多個問題至少九十九 我表裡如一佢地眼中叛逆九十後 由日頭唱到夜晚0-100 real quick 搞掂隻歌無野挑剔聽到我隻狗磕頭 你噏乜鳩不嬲啲歌我都唔洗記低 FreeStyle killer 捉穩當下我駕馭氣勢 俾我逼入死位underground地底泥 地底既地位我根本無乜野忌違 Street life 我做多就過講你見我開口 以為係無聊得濟貪口爽就當我失職 唔識**** **** mind your blow job dawg 呢度系香港兵來將擋 你地想走先偽善點上天堂 我死過翻生走私落鬼門關交易魔鬼翅膀 Cuz I seen , no heaven for a G 點引爆G點當life is a bitch 唔洗你教我boy
Verse 3(DoughBoy) Now I been around world and I seen a lot of. Bitches These snitches, getting dough is on they wish list Now Im 20 something not too young to understand Its every man for his fam, damn thats the plan Aint nothing is for certain I dont take this bitch for granted Now u can take a toke and leave maybe thats how I planned it U cant stand it? damn it. thats the way I roll U gotta learn to play your role thats the way it goes My crew tight, my money right everybody here tonight Thats all I care about, u know what Im feeling like Fresh dressed like a million bucks, aint nobody giving ****s Born alone die alone u thinking Ill be giving love Not me.I got beats, matter fact just hot beats In this game Im top 3, who the **** can stop me Who the **** gon box me, in a category stop, please Talk to me, learn to say it properly These prophecies, fulfilling. U know I make a killing, Im always on some ill shit Sky is the limit, ur a fan on the ceiling Everytime Im on the mic the scene I be stealing
Verse 4(Geniuz.F) 打乞嚏唔洗食安泰敏因為個個都講緊我 如果香港有個荷裡活咁我就係陳果 百分百香港製造洗乜瀉班二世祖 一出世就知自己定位唔洗靠睇經緯度 牛頭Hood 拎佢的嚟到祭祖 生番話啲制度使到啲細路呢世都被洗腦 所以抹大眼不過未瞓醒越系扮大膽越系咁驚 企喺台度我個外號叫我再造Jumpman Do My Dance, Do My Dance, Young Cheat King 為幾個大餅幫人賣命啲Rap悶過三字經 你啲廢話多到嚇親扼Bar數 如果押韻系藝術品我睇怕入左Art Basel
Verse 5(Kada.C) 若果今次你怕偏激想我新試其他演繹 讓我一致地下接力讓我一次美化天色 地下太偏僻又要捱兼職就等我發動大戰役 你地既失敗戰績主流只係一大掩飾 Show me what you got it (boy) 認清位置做我弟子拜我為師 世侄其實有心都唔怕遲 成班九唔搭八無節奏成灘狗屎垃圾都獻醜 我寧願止步都唔會止口 我係你思路中既劊子手 你為名成利就我只係想形成氣候 我唔聆聽理由唔聽命祈求只拼命死守 你咁fake 扮死狗 你Dup Brake我比油 你要逼我起手我一撃 你飛走我唔識扮自己友